Give Wendell a (tech) hand: snat issues on iptables and setup BSD Multipath TCP

Due to multiple reasons, I cannot currently look into it. I don’t have hardware to test on and most likely not the knowledge and experience to do it. I think I’m close to biting more than I can chew, but given other circumstances, I think I could have pulled it off. I need to get my stuff together before I go into any more tech projects.

So, here’s the deal:

So the first issue seems interesting. It appears iptables snat works on the local subnet, but not on the remote subnet on the same router. I believe I recall a similar issue in a network I managed, but the remote network had to go through an additional hop (the VPN was a separate box from the router/firewall). To get around it, I used rinetd for some web services, but obviously, we don’t want that.

So, what can you do? Reproduce the issue Wendell described and try to identify a fix.

Then, there’s another thing you can help with if you are into BSD:

From what I know, FreeBSD already has mptcp working, but if you can set it up on a minimal OpenBSD or any other BSD, more power to you.

I never had to deal with mptcp (the protocol is pretty recent in IT years). Here’s some documentation I could gather:

I genuinely feel bad for accepting this and not doing it. But I have to deal with some other stuff for a while, until I can get back to a somewhat normal life. I won’t get into that here. Also, don’t ask, stuff on my end will get better eventually, I just need some time (maybe a few months).


Interesting how this has shown up in my topic suggestions ITT:

Sall good we got time too. No rush

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socat and -j DNAT tcp port forwarding works fine for me as per below:

(I have forwarding sysctl enables and iptables default accept policy)

test setup utilizing network namespaces...

… that demonstrates DNAT port forwarding “just works” at least with socat.

I ended up opening a couple of split panes in tmux and pretended that each network namespace is a router/machine … it’s not exactly 1-1 but seems to work.

these below need “careful copy pasting” e.g. PS1 is a local bash variable, and you can’t create a route like this via unreachable ip.

# these all "require" root (or at least CAP_NET_ADMIN, for testing sudo -s is fine)

ip netns add rtr-isp
ip netns add rtr-1
ip netns add rtr-2
ip netns add host-on-rtr-2

ip link add l1a netns rtr-isp type veth peer l1b netns rtr-1
ip link add l2a netns rtr-1 type veth peer l2b netns rtr-2
ip link add l3a netns rtr-2 type veth peer l3b netns host-on-rtr-2

# rtr-isp
sudo ip netns exec rtr-isp bash -il
PS1="$(ip netns identify) # "
ip addr add dev lo
ip addr add dev l1a
ip link set dev lo up
ip link set dev l1a up
socat TCP: stdio

# rtr-1
sudo ip netns exec rtr-1 bash -il
PS1="$(ip netns identify) # "
ip addr add dev l1b
ip addr add dev l2a
ip link set dev lo up
ip link set dev l1b up
ip link set dev l2a up
ip route add default via
ip route add via
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -t nat -o l1b -j MASQUERADE
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i l1b -p tcp --dport 8080 -j DNAT --to-destination

# rtr-2
sudo ip netns exec rtr-2 bash -il
PS1="$(ip netns identify) # "
ip addr add dev l2b
ip addr add dev l3a
ip link set dev lo up
ip link set dev l2b up
ip link set dev l3a up
ip route add default via

# host-on-rtr-2
sudo ip netns exec host-on-rtr-2 bash -il
PS1="$(ip netns identify) # "
ip addr add dev l3b
ip link set dev l3b up
ip route add default via
ping -c 1
socat TCP-LISTEN:8080 stdio

ip netns delete rtr-isp
ip netns delete rtr-1
ip netns delete rtr-2
ip netns delete host-on-rtr-2

What exactly are you trying to forward?
… and what has it got to do with BSD and MPTCP ?

so … I guess the idea is to maybe run FreeBSD with a tap interfaces attached to rtr-2 ?

… and then maybe another FreeBSD or linux VM with another tap interface attached to rtr-isp