Girlfriend gets dizzy when playing FPS! HELP!

Hi Guys,

I really love the show, so does my girlfriend. She really loved Wendell’s comments about tasty extinct animalsJ. She can play side-scrolling plat formers like Mario and Trine she is OK with. In fact she play a lot of Worms Reloaded on Steam. But when it comes to Counter Strike or other FPS games she gets dizzy within 5 to 10 minutes and gets headaches.

This strikes me as odd, as she loves roller coasters and jet skiing. Any suggestions or tips for eliminating or reducing her headaches?

We both just got new LG 21:9 widescreen monitors as shown here. Even before the widescreens, FPS games would give her headaches. Just by watching me play for a few minutes she would get headaches was thinking in might be a refresh rate issue, and that maybe 120HZ screen would do the trick.

She can play plat formers for hours and she will be just fine. I do welcome your suggestions.

This occasionally happens to me across all games. I usually leave a light on in the room and try and maintain a good posture. I can't sit in a chair for longer then an hour or two anyways. Every once in a while I'll take a smoke break or whatever else. Another option that might be bugging her in FPS games is depth of field, and motion blur. 

I have always had this issue but for me it was down to the rooms lighting. If it is dark im fine and if there is a white light im fine but as soon as the room is lit by a warm or yellow light I get migraines. Maybe its that. I do not know. 

See if she gets it 1v1 with you.

Most likely is because of the FOV in the game, have you tried adjusting that?

My partner also gets motion sickness. No refresh rate or monitor is going to help. It's just something that happens. If it's really a big deal go to a doctor and check and see if there are any inner ear issues.

A lot of people have this issue. For people that are motion sick a 21:9 might not have been the best option.

I want you to try some things and let up know how it goes. First dim the back lighting of the monitor a bit. 2. If the game you are playing has Field of View settings turn it up all the way. 3. Don't sit so close to the monitor and move it or your self back.

This happens to me if I sit to close of have a FOV that is too low. Never happens when I play on a TV because I'm 10 feet back away from it.

Try turning the monitors brightness down to its lowest - I get headaches if my screens too bright.

Dizziness - Im certainly no expert but it could be something with the eyes and the way depth is perceived - perhaps try some optic distance exercises - pencil moving to and from the eyes - whilst maintaining focus.

Your girlfriend may even need glasses. Either way I think it is best to seek the advice of a medical expert than that of a tech forum.

Well she had lasik like 4 years ago. She has better vision than me. She can see for miles, I can't :)


I really think messing around with the FOV might help.

Anyone know how to change counter strike source or GO FOV settings?

This is totally an FOV problem. Basically the scene she is looking at is too narrow and her mind is having trouble making reference points as anything other than forward causes the scene to move rapidly. If your FOV is at a 60 or so try 85 or 90, it may break the player model but at least she can play.

Increase the FOV and make sure the room is decently lit.

Sound like simulation sickness (the sickness caused by the brains inability to correlate the variation between the visual/auditory inputs of the game and your senses showing a perception of reality). There's an extra credits episode on it actually:

In CS:GO the FOV for 1080P is locked to 100. For what ever reason this is done to ensure a fair game for everyone playing. The only way to change FOV in CS:GO is to play on a server that has cheats on. Or you can try it playing with bots.

To do this you need to turn on the console in options then in game hit ~ to bring up the console. First type sv_cheats 1 to turn cheats on. Then type fov_cs_debug 110 for a FOV of 110 for example. Also I forgot to say make sure you don't lock your eyes to the center of the screen.

And once again move away form the monitor or use a smaller one also helps.

This video summarises all of the above suggestions, and a little bit more. +1 for sharing. Might see if this works for my wife.

Yeah, this happens to me when the FOV is too low (ie. console ported FPS). Try bumping it up. I usually run between 85 - 90 on a 27" monitor.

what might help

  • higher refresh-rate
  • sitting further away from the screen
  • tn panel
  • adjustment/adaptation phase (she may need to very slowly increase fps play time in order to build up a tolerance)

depending on her age she might never be able adapt, in which case it is totally ok for her to not play fast fps games, i mean there's plenty fun game genres.

Also have you considered that her subconsciousness might not cope with to the depiction of violence from the first person view. In which case it might help to play an unrealistic shooter like Unreal Tournament instead of a realistic Military-shooter.

Thank you all for your suggestions.

@fluffymace - the subconsciousness aspect could be it. I wonder how she would fear on a third person shooter. I will be sure to report back on what works or what extends her play time.