GIgabyte Server Activity Corner -- Proxmox, Docker and Config Notes!

Soon™. Start with the basics. Have you used chrome/ chromium headless? It s got a ton of cool features

chrome-launcher/ at master · GoogleChrome/chrome-launcher · GitHub

I’m interested in the reasoning for choosing Proxmox over something like vmWare for this?

I’m working on a project myself, for a Machine Learning -type system using a Dell R840 with 4x Platinum 8260, and have installed Proxmox because of the design requirements.

You mentioned both in the Video on Level1Linux and this post running Docker in LXC or a VM. I’m starting now with my own homelab server after renting a VPS for the last 1.5 years. I’ve planned to setup docker in a VM, but now it seems like a LXC container may be the better choice. I’ll have services accessible from the internet (probably piped through my vps), but don’t know enough about the security risc using containers (both LXC and docker). A VM seems to be the safest choice, but has the most overhead (altough I’ve got pretty good experience with KVM and PCI passthrough before)

I think if you go to the trouble of log-forwarding your docker container, and keep an eye on it, the security aspect isn’t too bad. Everything is a trade-off. Especially if you have ingress filtering farther up the chain.

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Do you think you should add a step to set the max ARC size so thatZFS doesn’t try to eat all the RAM since the server is mostly going to host VM’s and containers.


# don't let zfs use more than 8 GiB of ram for ARC
options zfs zfs_arc_max=8589934592
# disabling prefetch is no longer required
options zfs l2arc_noprefetch=0

On my proxmox I setup to use tuned instead with the virtual-host profile.


A profile focused on optimizing performance in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 virtualization hosts.

This profile favors performance over power savings by setting intel_pstate and max_perf_pct=100 . It also decreases the swappiness of virtual memory. This profile enables transparent huge pages and writes dirty pages back to disk more frequently. It uses cpupower to set the performance cpufreq governor. It also sets kernel.sched_min_granularity_ns to 10 μs, kernel.sched_wakeup_granularity_ns to 15 μs, kernel.sched_migration_cost to 5 μs, and vm.dirty_ratio to 40 %.

Lastly, I don’t know about Gigabyte servers but for my HPE server I also had to set the Virtualization - Max Performance setting in my UEFI.


Bane of my existance. Like IE, when it worked it was great but when it breaks, expect the user fits. Though I have to say being a Mac Admin I note the fits of Wintel users are much more reasonable than my fellow Mac fans. My theory is that creatives are more emotional and since the latter platform historically has been the choice of a slightly higher number of creatives, responses are more emotional. I can’t say this has made my skin any tougher. :-/

Awesome, I’m looking forward to it. Yes, I have used headless chrome for things like web scraping. It really is a fantastic tool.

It’s pretty incredible how active this community is btw. I’m just getting into all of this (I’m a software developer and CS grad) so I’m still new to this side of things.

Wendell, amazing explain, more words is best!!, don’t hesitate to add a lot of explanation for newbies like me… I bookmarked this page, please could yo change to…

systemctl enable enable-turbo.service

for the future… :slight_smile: D

@wendell , Please share your experience on how to get the best experience out of and s7150 in VDI !! I myself and experimenting with an AMD 7150X2 for VDI with windows 10 vms

Is this still needed with current Proxmox 7.3. Am deploying the same set up here with an EPYC 7402 and want to set it right and forget about it.