We got every spec for wire type and I just trying to make it easy! I Even left out a possible 2nd monitor, old anyway and my New Ipad Pro M4. Does my picture make it less confusing? Should I just buy a KVM switch.
Honestly, pluging in a cable is not a big deal. I’d like to have the double PC/Mac dual Monitor 1 keyboard mouse and drag accross the two screens seemlessly.
If you have 4 systems to connect to the one monitor, then a good KVM switch will serve you much better than the monitor’s built in switch.
I don’t know about your specific monitor, but the built in “KVM” for my monitor can only handle 2 hosts, and in its setup you assign which USB-out port is associated with which video input and the monitor will switch the the USB devices between those two hosts. The other thing is that some monitors are clunky to switch between hosts themselves, and it’s much faster to switch with a real KVM.
On a note about the whole setup, I’d suggest that you put the printer on your network so that all your systems can use it whenever, rather than switching it via USB. As inevitably you’ll end up needing to print something from one system while doing something else on another. If you can’t, or don’t want to, put it on the network suggest getting a separate USB switch for it so that it can be switched independently of the computer you’re currently interfacing with.
A USB switch is different than a USB Hub, a USB hub allows for multiple devices to connect through to your host via one physical USB port. Whereas a USB switch allows switching a USB device (or multiple devices) between multiple hosts. I’ve been using one of these for a few years to switch devices between the multiple systems on my desk, but there are others out there as well: