this is a weird one, for sure. why is everyone upset about the vrms on a cpu that could run from an AA battery? kidding, mostly. I agree the double high side components is not true phase separation and testing shows this may not be the best vrm design in terms of heat production. It is, a board that nevertheless deliveres some higher end features with the b450 chipset including above average memory speed support and better LAN connectivity.
I’m glad that I am not the only one who is throwing Buildzoid under a bus. This VRM non-sense is just ridiculous, and I have given up posting anything in /r/AMD just due to so many of his shills pushing down-vote after down-vote on motherboard selection posts.
Do I approve the manufacturers’ use of marketing? No. However, I am not afraid of taking a 6-core Ryzen and overclocking it to 4 GHz on any of these boards.
It’s less shills and more mob mentality. It’s people taking his word too far for granted. While he’s properly educating people of what’s happening, he’s also miseducating in terms of context. Wendell brings the context, but the fanboy mob already grew to a certain point.
I dont really think that it would really impact temperature that much.
The 4C10N mosfets used on the highside and 4C06N mosfets used on the lowside,
arent really that great in general.
Gigabyte is claiming it being a 8+3 phase board.
But that just isnt true, its just a 4+3.
The ISL95712 cannot be properlly doubled from.
The definition that Gigabyte has for an actual phase is odd and wrong basically.
i dont really get why they did it this way.
If they just added an additional highside fet on each phase like on some of their X470 boards.
Then they had something to argue about.
Although i personally still wouldnt concider that being 8 phases either.
But therefor the Hybride 8 phase term could have been appopriate in that situation.
But regardless of the vrm, this board is basically okay for a Ryzen 5 cpu.
And that is what the B450 lineup of boards are generally ment for anyways imo.
Funny thing is that memory overclocking seems to be pretty good on these boards.
The sad thing is, they didn’t even doubled the componentry on the VRM… They have half extra components and half no extra components? I don’t get it…
Why have 2 high one low side or vice versa? You will just push the single component more than the couple components. This may actually be why it’s so hot…
I mean if there were extra low side and there were basically 2 high and 2 low the thermal situation would have been better.
I was thinking the extra heat was the classic situation where one produces 1.01v and another in parallel produces 1.02v but the resistance between the two of them is like 0.005 ohm so that’s like 1-2 ish watts of extra waste heat on top of mosfet inefficiency? Because you have that .01v current flow, or whatever, between those two components just do to natural 5% or even 1% tolerances…
Yes, but it’s spread… I mean instead of 5W from one spot you have 3+3W from two separate points. It’s supposed to be easier to cool since you have 2 sources of lower heat.
It’s basically the same idea as the Asrock before that, but Asrock doubled the componentry count of everything and have somewhat OK heatsink with some surface… The gigabyte heatsink is garbage…
Well basically you do have a good point.
But it will basically only decrease the vrm´s efficiency overall.
Because the reason why Gigabyte is using 2 mosfets on the lowside,
is because it cuts the rds-ON in half, which basically increases efficiency significantlly.
But its basically a stupid design overall, because they could have replaced the lowside mosfets with just one single better mosfet, and the same counts for the inductors,
But that would physically look worse to unknowledable people.
And then they also couldnt use the term “Hybrid 8 phase”, (if that even was a thing).
But the term Hybrid 8 phase isnt even appopriate to this particular boards vrm either.
Because it only uses one highside mosfet per phase.
On some of their X470 boards likethe Gaming 5 and Ultra Gaming they do use two highside + two lowside mosfets and two inductors per phase.
Which you basically could concider being 2 phases in paralel.
And then you could kinda concider it being a “hybrid 8 phase” vrm.
However Hybrid 8 phase isnt really a thing in my “personal” book.
And since those phases are in paralel getting one pwm signal they turn on and off at the same time.
So they are not interleaving and wont help with things like reducing ripple atall.
So i personally still not concider it being 8 phases.
Like i mentioned the ISL95712 pwm cannot be properlly doubled from.
So no matter what kind of marketing terms they use.
It simplly is just a 4+3 phase board.
just got this board, but i am having trouble getting temp measurement that make sense (seems stuck and i get only 3 temp instead of all 6 core, ryzen 3600).
Any driver?
I read should be better in kernel 4.5, so im currently compiling mainline.