Getting p5js to work on a jetson nano

P5js is a javascript library that enables media presentation, interactive drawing as well as user input in an area of a web page defined as the CANVAS.

I’ve gotten it to work with the jetson nano since p5js is a javascript library, but only as long as only primitive drawing functions are used. I cannot use the predefined constant, VIDEO, to access the camera.

The p5.js code I use works fine on a raspberry pi
Here is my html:

<!doctype html>
<script src=“p5/p5.js”> </script>
<script src=“p5/addons/p5.dom.js”> </script>
<script src=“sketch.js” ></script>
<body style=“margin: 0; overflow: hidden;”>

and here is my sketch.js

let capture;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(390, 240);
  capture = createCapture(VIDEO);
  capture.size(320, 240);

function draw() {
  image(capture, 0, 0, 320, 240);

This puts up a grayscale video of what the camera is seeing.
However, it does not work on the jetson nano. All i see is a blank.

My camera on the nano is working fine.
This puts up a huge viewer that shows a live stream of what the camera sees

gst-launch-1.0 nvarguscamerasrc ! nvoverlaysink

When I run the code and look in the console , it shows this comment
p5.js says: createCapture() was expecting Function for parameter #1 (zero-based index), received an empty variable instead.

So clearly, the constant, VIDEO, is not pointing to the the video stream.
I tried replacing VIDEO with nvarguscamerasrc but the console says this is an undefined variable.

I looked in the file, p5.js, and found many classes of objects that use the constant, VIDEO.
The constant is defined in a separate file that is part of p5.js and is named p5.dom.js.
p5.prototype.VIDEO = 'video';
However, I cannot determine how VIDEO finds the proper hardware. nor do I know how to tell p5.js to look for the camera on the nano.

I submitted a similar post on the jetson nano support forums

and the mod was kind enough to respond but I think English is not his native language. Still he clearly speaks it better than I speak JAVA.

I posted on the processing forums

but I think that is more of an artsy place than hardcore hardware hacking.

So the issue is getting javascript to talk to the hardware on the nano. There is a python library for the nano and its camera here:

and in the (/ script there is a class named, gstreamer_pipeline, which sets up the camera. However, openCV is needed. I think that I need to make a javascript library that does something like this so I can use it in my p5js sketch (that’s what a javascript file that implements p5.js is called). But here’s where I lose confidence and am lost.

Why use javascript and not hack directly on the nano? Well, having self contained code in javascript will appeal to a much greater audience who are already leveraging p5js to make interactive web pages. There is even a tensorflow.js that allows ml on video that a camera captures. I made a little app that turns my webcam video into a live XKCD comic.(on a regular x86 linux box) It’s rather trivial and I learned the details from here:

But can you imagine an intro to Wendell’s podcast where the three hosts are stick figures talking on a whiteboard? Way better than deepfakes.

Have you tried different javascript engines, like V8 or Mozilla’s framework? I do believe it’s the browser that has to support those features for it to even work. So just maybe try different browsers and see if it works

yea tried firefox and chrome and safari. I think i need a javascript library that uses gstreamer since that is what is on the nano.