Geth (Etherum) - Am I doing something wrong?

I tried NiceHash a while ago and wanted to compare its hash values with the ones I get when mining Etherum directly. Which is why I downloaded Geth, created a wallet and executed the following command in order to update my keychain:
geth --rpc --fast --cache=4096
After a real long while it finished downloading. The next day, I wanted to update the keychain again, since I thought there might have been some changes over the night and executed this command again. Weirdly, it seems to download the whole keychain again. Is there a specific update command I am not aware of, or did I do something wrong?

I don't use geth but you're lucky I read this somewhere and remembered

As of Geth version 1.6.0, the --fast flag has become --syncmode=fast (though --fast is also still usable for now).


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Thanks, I'll try that.

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just in case check the current available options with geth -h or geth --help

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Apparently this was some kind of bug (or it was the fast parameter). Today it continued syncing and didn't start new.