Get eID from mobile adapter


You can see the eid of the mobile network adapter under the qr code in windows settings, network, eSIM profile.

Does anyone know of a way to read the eid using a script? I would like to send the ID to our Baramundi inventory.

My test system is a Lenovo X13 with a Quectel EM120R-GL adapter. We mostly use Lenovos.

So far I’ve tried

Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\cimv2\mdm\dmmap" -Class "MDM_eUICCS_01" Returns nothing, apparently empty once the adapter was in use.

netsh mbn show visibleproviders interface="Cellular" Returns only available networks, no adapter info.

netsh mbn show readyinfo interface=Cellular SIM ICC-ID is empty

Does this happen to get you on the right track at all?

I can successfully read the physical sim card slot and retrieve the sim id, imei, phone number etc but unfortunately nothing from the esim.

netsh mbn show interfaces
netsh mbn show read interface=*

The esim is only mentioned when running

netsh mbn show slotstatus interface=*

It shows that there is an esim on index 1 with no active profile. But nothing more.

netsh mbn show read interface=* slotindex=1

Returns an empty ICC-ID. Slotindex=0 returns the physical sim ID. :frowning:

netsh mbn test feature=esim

Fails because it tries to run “C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Testing\Runtimes\TAEF\te.exe” which doesn’t exist.