Gardening is an art as well as a science

Learning about gardening in schools?
Agriculture is more and more a fading art form.
While it is a science no doubt there is less being taught.
Grafting plants is something that dont hear about any more and its disturbing .
Unless you google the information you will rarely if ever hear a reference to it.

You will hear a lot about cross pollination and genetic mutations, and fertilizers
But thats not the only way.

About the only things today that take advantage of Grafting is rose bushes and custom apple trees.


i was watching this earlier and thought it was interesting


Thats an advanced form of clipping propagation and very good knowledge.
Back when i had my orchard i had 3 showcase trees with multiple type of apples growing from one rootstock trunk
It was amusing to see people’s reactions when they saw them.
Same with my roses.

Havent cultured any in years but still have the knowledge.


Horticulture was offered back in my highschool but it was stigmatized as the soft option for burnouts and stoners. Just above autoshop. I agree its sad.

Citruses and avocados get grafted [not together] as well as peach and apricot (+almond) have grafts as part of their lives. Grapes get grafted together to root stocks too.

Cannabis isnt grafted but daughter clones are common. Its half a graft.

I have some chile seeds started as well as some heirloom tomato starts to buy for this season but it is quite cool still this year. Running a little late on the calendar.

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Depends on what countries you’re in. There are still gardening programmes on national TV channels. Obviously for recreational purpose, with little productivity in mind. At current state in my life cycle, I just find such programmes so boring. One day in future I’m sure I’ll have a different opinion.

Human societies move forward. Long long time ago, people went out and hunt for foods in the wild. Today people go out to hunt for foods in supermarkets.

Agriculture is pretty much very alive and done more professionally than ever. Otherwise, supermarkets won’t have produce to sell. But just like so many skills and works, it’s not something catching ppl’s fantasy and is talked about on daily basis.

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The spouse had plant science back then. I think it is still taught in the public schools near us right now.

Back in the urban metropolis this was not even taught to us. Here in the province it is still a thing here and we are still an agricultural first province.