Hi guys this is actually my first post on any forum anywhere so please be gentle. I am wanting to build a PC to get into streaming and possibly some YouTube content. I am only able to spend around $1500 USD. I don't have any peripherals, desk or chair so I really need to stretch my money as far as possible. I would like to get into OCing so I want unlocked parts and i would prefer AMD since all of my research suggests AMD runs a lot cooler. I want as much upgrade-ability as possible. I really want to game at 1080p with at least 30 FPS. Right now I only really play WoW, Minecraft, and a few other in browser MMOs, although I want to get into FPS games as well. As for peripherals I would prefer a mechanical keyboard although I don't have much money to play with. As for my mouse grip I use a combination between a claw and palm grip and I have fairly large hands. I want to have a monitor that is at least 23" and capable of at least 1080p. I have tried to put a list together of parts that I thought would work well together and give me at least most of the things that I really want. Also this build will probably not take place until January or February. Here is the parts list I have put together.
UPDATED Parts list
1: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/MdXJRB (Tasmainia300)
2: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/yhkHrH (Ratzzz)
This will be my second build. I have learned a lot since my first build and I feel like this is a fairly good build for a semi-amateur. I would like to get some advice from veteran builders and people who just flat out know more than I do about whether or not this would be a good PC for what I want to do. I am open to any and all suggestions and changes to my parts list. Thank you all for your time and knowledge. It is greatly appreciated.