Gaming Rig

Hey all,this is my rig that I have come up with. It fits my $700-$750 hardware budget. If you have any comments, please leave them, because I am very new to pc building so any help would be great.

Heres the build:

SLI or Crossfire: No, and do not plan on doing it in the future.

Overclocking: Yes, to about 4.5 ghz

Change the GPU! Get a 7870 instead of a 560. It has MUCH BETTER performance,and it only costs 15$ more.

I agree with @Matman24. You should consider getting a 7870. Other than that and the RAM (1333MHz) which isn't as fast as it could be. The Build is very good! :) I'm going to link you to my build, it's in the same price range, I also went with a Intel Based System. You might be able to get some ideas from it.

Good Luck! 


Thanks, i really have no idea about GPUs and stuff, so thanks for the reccomendations. So should I upgrade my ram too?


Okay, here is my updated build. I added a Sapphire Radeon 7870. Is that good quality? And I also changed out the ram to DDR3-1600, which is made by Corsair.

I have been using Sapphire Radeon cards and really like them. Make sure your voltages match your RAM to the motherboard. Remember lower Cas latency is better.  

Yes, My motherboard supports my 1600 ram. And glad to hear that you like you Radeon card. Im looking forward to using it.

Can anyone else take a look at this build? 

I suggest getting rid of the 2500k and going for the ivybridge counter part the 3570k. Clock for clock from personal experience/benchmarks the ivybridge is faster. Also, if you're buying the rig right now I suggest getting better ram.. There's 1866 1.5v ram for sale on newegg for 26$.. I think from geil. Same deal with some of the other stuff.. If you can afford it and don't need the extra space, there's a vertex 4 for sale. All on newegg. 

Intel 3570k - Comes with 20$ gift card 

G.SKILL Sniper Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1866 (apparently it was g.skill.) 

Vertex 4 ssd 

If you're sticking with the mechanical drives, you can find 1tb drives for about the same price.  

Thanks for the response, but im not buying now. My parents are buying it for christmas. Thanks for the help though. But with the 3570K, I heard you can overclock that as far as you can with the 2500K? Am i wrong?

Overclocks will be about the same. The 3570k will run hotter though.... BUT it will be faster per clock speed. 

also forgot to mention that overclock is in part luck. Sometimes you get a beast of a chip and sometimes you dont. 

Oh okay. And when i overclocl the 3570K, if i get it, will the Hyper Evo 212 be good enough?

The 212 can give you a decent oc. Probably anywhere between 3.8-4.5Ghz depending on what kind of chip you get.