Gaming in windows in a ubuntu virtual box... ohhh yes tis true

I wasn't sure if this is a general gaming thing, hardware or software.

Anyway someone has Windows 7 running in a virtual machine on a Ubuntu base.

worth a read.

Its not virtual Box but a KVM/QEMU virtual machine. I think @Zoltan and others made a few guides on this before...Interesting video though...

Yes it is possible, yes you need specific hardware. Details:

It's not really VirtualBox, but rather a container. I tried VB for gaming, and it sucked due to the lack of PCI passthorugh. KVM allows direct access to the hardware thus it is easier for games to run in.

yeah sorry got my virtual environments mixed up.

I'd use it more for photoshop/lightroom as I try to only get games that work on Linux.

That sounds a lot like Steam OS in a nut shell with its current state. Some games like Cities Skylines have a "Linux and SteamOS version", but you will find a lot of the necessary Windows .dll files in the game installation directory because it's not a native build like Unigine's Heaven and Valley benchmarks. It's still playable but can dip and stutter occasionally.

Left4Dead 2 actually runs better this way in certain cases and other games also may benefit if they are done right. Rogue Warrior is another, but I never figured out the broken sound (ruins the entire game without sound). If my memory is correct, I think a lot of the late 90's and early 2000's games from Blizzard like Startcraft were able to run better through WINE with the X Window system.

Get a compatible Disc copy of Unreal Tournament or Unreal Tournament 2004 if you want to have some fun with a native OpenGL game like the fastest 1:1 ever on UT99 with vsync and anywhere from 2x to 5x or higher fps with vsync off and no screen tearing on UT 2004. Epic is amazing with this stuff. I think that's what Gaben wants to build up in his Source Engine now.

Edit: I know I got the version of UT 2004 Editor's Choice edition working with someone's modification of the original Linux installer. I suggested the disc since the shell script shipped with the disc. You'll see Tux on the back of the box with a rocket launcher in his hand. Atari published it.

ok quote off that page that was linked.
This can be accomplished using a CPU and Motherboard which supports hardware virtualization (Intel VT-x or AMD-V) along with two graphics cards, one for the Linux Base and another dedicated PCIe GPU for the Windows Virtual Machine (VM). Gaming experience within the Windows VM is exceptional, yielding a 96% performance return in comparison to native play.

my question here tho...
96% performance,
but if YOU HAVE 2 GPUS
why would you settle for 96% performance of ONE gpu
thats like 50% TOTAL performance overal..

You have a cheap gpu and a good gpu and give the good gpu to windows. Heck, you can almost sorta kinda just use onboard intel graphics for linux (so "free") and then your paid-for gpu for windows games. it works really well except that it works best with monitors with more than one input so you can toggle between inputs when Switching from Windows to Linux. Or you have a dedicated monitor for windows.

that sounds easier yea.
still sucks the hardware needs that vt-x function tho

Need vt-d or IOMMU

AMD is currently the cheapest rout but Intel does seem to be supporting it with their K parts now the 4790k and 4690k both support it. And of course the x99 chips support it.

I need to find a good tutorial for this.


you will need a cpu with intergrated graphics, or 2 sepperate gpu´s.
You can use the weak gpu for Linux, and the strong gpu can be pass through to the vm.
But then you need to be sure, that your hardware, mobo and cpu, also have fully support for that.

Also a decent cpu is recommended.

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Why post this completely unrelated nonsense?

This is Kind of Old News lol

god I need it too

I'd have gone this route a while ago but I have a 4770k and it does not have vt-d support. unless someone wants to trade their i7 chip that has vt-d for my 4770k, I don't see this working for me.

Almost made it with Ubunto Gnome yesterday (I think and hope??), have full VT-d/x/io support on the CPU and motherboard and Virtualbox had no issues accepting the setting with dedicating a GPU...

However it seems like one have to deactivate the GPU in Linux before the VM can access it and as the information I found only really gives two alternatives: blacklisting the displaydriver for the card or blacklisting the card itself through the model number.
The problem is i run two exact copies of R9 290 and they share both graphics driver and the same model numbers.
The one solution I thought of was to re-flash one of the cards to a 290x which hopefully would result in a different model number, but that is a bit iffy and risky. I imagine that if I would have had one AMD card and one Nvidia card in the system it would be easy to do what I want.

As a very, very new novice into the world of Linux I gave up and continued with Windows 8.1 yet again...
Are there other solutions to my problem that would allow me to easily deactivate one of the cards so that the Virtualbox VM could access it??