Gaming Computer

I wnat to make my friend a Gaming Rig, his budget is $1200, this has to be with tax and shipping. He wants everything from newegg. He also needs an OS so that will be included in that budget, Hewants an SSD too perferably 120 GB or more, He wanted a black and red combo (best way I could describe it) but thats not really important. He just wants things flush, like he doesnt want a blue motherboard with green ram on it. He wants something that flushes together. Thanks for the help (:

Blue RAM and Mobo.

Red LED on the CPU Cooler and case.

So for all you'll actually be seeing it'll be red and black. I can't really say this is the best for the money or not because alot of guys on here know more than me, but I personally like it. He's probably only saying newegg because he's never seen PCpartpicker and thinks he'd have to jump around putting together a cart.

So for the inside everything is blue, then outside red and black. I never even think about the color when building a computer but it's whatever.








id just use logan's $1000 build that he made a video of

Thanks guys so far, He doesnt really mind about the color scheme he just wants something nice and good to be able to play anything on high if he can