Hi Guys my little brothers (both 7) are really getting in to gamign there at the age that their not ready for shooters so I was wondering if you guys had any ideas for Things they could play I.E something not to violent but also not kidy at the moment their playing minecraft, super meat boy, binding of issac and tropico 4 and there getting pretty good but they want more. Thanks in advance
Assuming they mainly play on the PC...
Castle Crashers (Great for co-op)
Trials Evolution
Trine 1/2
World of Goo
About all I can conjure up at the moment.
Kerbal Space Program
rollercoaster tycoon 1 (that game was my childhood, i suppose 2+3 would work too)
Age of Empires
Thats awsome guys thanks that should cover the holidays nicely
Botanicula, Machinarium and Unmechanical.
The incredible machine or newer crazy machines.
LucasArts adventures like grim fandango, star wars, monkey island.
Warcraft 3 has an excellent campaign for any age.
Re-Volt was great fun at the time.
Puzzle games I can't really think of right now, I recently played a kid's game "Air Forte" - Blendo games, it's good at what it's trying to be.
I started playing shooters when I was 4 and I'm not a psycho killer. It upsets me when I see people that are video-game nazis. Playing Goldeneye and Perfect Dark with my grandfather was a huge part of my childhood. Gave me good quality time that I couldn't spend with my dad because he was always working.
They probably idolize you and want to spend time with you no matter what the content of it is. Judging by your "Fallout, Crysis, Portal, and Halo" gamelist, take a step back and think. Maybe you should get something that you wouldn't mind sitting down for a few hours and playing with your little brothers... Just my 2¢
That would be best.
Total war is a maybe my parants let me play the but the graphics were so poor you did not see any .
Any racers especaly f1 2012 and grid
Lego lord of the rings