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private browsing? or incognito whatever you may have

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Free for the next 2 daysā€¦


just came here to post that, this ones big

i mean, thats cool that theyā€™re giving away the gta5ā€¦ but that isnā€™t a link to the epic games store, or even the gta5 page on the epic games store.

its a just a canceraids link to an article by polygon with not even a link to the epic store on it, only links to other polygon articles.

i canā€™t remember exactly why i hate polygon, but this definitely reminded me that I hate polygon.

maybe its their clickbaitey ways?

Lets talk about something, but no actual direct link to it? a thing is happening, its sure would be great if you could go see think happening, hereā€™s a link to other crap on our website where we talk around things that are happening.

edit @NicholasMarzio > no beef w/you, thats a damn fine thing to spotā€¦ but sorry, polygon rustles my jimmies rather hard.

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There you go.

Maybe the link to the store wasnā€™t included because for some time Epicā€™s store was overwhelmed with people and only got you an Error 500.

Iā€™ve got the epic store bookmarkedā€¦ its just soo frustrating when websites do that crap.

its clickbaitey, stay here and cllck on our crap, it feels dirty.

Oh wow, Alan Sleepy is 1,29 euros on GOGā€¦

so gta 5 went free for a while on epic gamesā€¦
what a dumpster fireā€¦
download went fineā€¦ thenā€¦ 2 factorā€¦ ok sent it to email rather than phoneā€¦ greatā€¦
installed the game ā€¦
rockstar lancher kicks off and imediatly asks for recapchaā€¦
9 attempts later its failingā€¦ so i clicked make a new accountā€¦
all good the recapcha workedā€¦
start the gameā€¦ settings apply, game resetā€¦
restartā€¦ settings havent takenā€¦ try 2 more times fails 2 more times.
i close the epic launcher and restart social clubā€¦
ah fuck it. hit the audio

you have been temp blocked because your ip is spamming ???
please try again laterā€¦

so basically the reason this game is free is to get you to program the google capcha with 100ā€™s of retriesā€¦ ???

coz its the first time ive connected to rockstar social club so theres no way they have any record of my ip or spamming in the last oh i dunno 12 yearsā€¦
talk about a dirty trick. if this is a thing and not just a cock up my endā€¦

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If you think the in game experience is gonna be any different, youā€™re in for a disappointment. Hacking is rampant and load times are long.

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load times are a joke. not because its having trouble connecting to the serverā€¦ they are deliberately long because they advertise the DLCā€™s
now ive seen this from rockstar i will make a point of not bothering to buy there shit.
how do i know the load times are BSā€¦ i was in a game which i left and then for the next 3 mins i sat and read the chat from the server.
now if i left the server why am i still seeing other players chatā€¦
stay clear even if its free.

Another one! :smiley:


Cities Skylines bundleā€¦ Worst case scenario you get the game for 1$/ā‚¬/whatever. Best case you get all the stuff for about 17ā€¦

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borderlands-the-handsome-collection free this week on epic, dont forget to grab high texture packs. next week is ARK too


How desperate is Epic?

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free games who cares

Throwing free games at people to get them to use their launcher and - probably Epicā€™s hoping - the store too.

No thanks. Keep your ā€œfreeā€ games.

people will find a way to complain about anything. its a sport.


I want to make it clear that I am complaining about Epic because as a company, it sucks. Their products are nice though.

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True thatā€¦ :upside_down_face: