I’ve tried following the instructions to the t of No Intro Screen at Control Nexus - Mods and community
Downloaded the “loose folder” file, extracted it to my same folder where Control.exe and Data_Pc and Data already reside. replaced all when prompted
Launched the game normally as instructed at Loose Files Loader at Control Nexus - Mods and community ( which is basically finishing step 1 of this two part process )
Then downloaded the “No Intro Screen” zip file. extracted it to that same folder that contains “Control.exe”.
replaced all when prompted. then Launched the game normally …the game launches normally…but the intros are still there.
(sigh) Why couldn’t the morons that developed Control just made this process easily do able like in Crysis and Crysis Warhead >?? ( in those games…just remove the " .sfd " parts of the videos and boom…done…no nonsense )
My system launches the game within 3 seconds but it takes an additional 45 to 47 ish for the " Enter control" prompt to finally reach the beginning menu to show up