my friend has the FX 6300 CPU he is about to get the MSI 970 motherboard and is just wondering if that's a good combo
is his old motherboard broken or something? the only 970 board I can recommend is this one if he's trying to do things on the cheap
the ASrock 970M board, about 60 bucks
Would'nt touch that with a barge pole with a FX 6300. It's a 4+1 power phase design which is weak and the FX 6300 is a pretty power hungry chip which that can affect its performance at stock speeds if paired with the motherboard.
What does your friend planning on doing, ultimately, with his rig?
Does he stream at all? Will he be overclocking?
If you keep the overclock modest it should be fine. 6300 is really an overclocking cpu so a better oc'ing mb would be better. 970 msi mb with something like an 6350 and no overclock would be better match.
this one that is..............
I also want to add the Gigabyte 990FXA-UD3-R5. (,%20LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID= ) You may spend a touch more, but it is the 990FX chipset, so it may be a bit more overclocking friendly.
And, yeah, the MSI Gaming 970 is an overall decent board. It is probably among the better AM3+ boards that MSI created. Their earlier (and lower tier) runs for AM3+ boards had a woeful Voltage Regulator Module (VRM) that sometimes failed catastrophically. Their 970 Gaming board can take more punishment, but the 970 Krait is definitely one to stay away from.
Their high end Gaming and -GD65 and -GD80 motherboards are fine, but I have no clue why MSI dropped the ball on their other AM3+ motherboards.
Yes the Msi 970A Gaming will be a totaly fine board in combination with a FX6300.
I have the same board @Streetguru recommended it and I am very happy with it.
The msi 970 gaming is far superior for OC'ing as this review shows
Anandtech review
I went with the Asrock board cause with mail in rebate and combo deal it was 10 bucks with the 8320e.
I may do a OC to around 4 ghz but I have no desire to jam 300 watts down it's throat to reach 4.8, hence I am fine with 4+1 vrm's.
When Zen arrives no retailer will want a warehouse full of AM3+.
Run Prime95 and see your clock speeds drop while stress testing.
Linux only build but thank you. I will need a new cooler first plus it's overkill for Linux games right now, even Alien Isolation.
I've had the Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD3 for a few years with the FX6300.
The FX6300 has a better Price to Performance then with the FX8350 for most games. There are some that better utilise the extra cores. For just gaming the FX6300 is just fine, but the FX8350 would better for streaming.
Also won't stress the voltage regulators quite as hard. I've overclocked mine to 4.2GHz on air.
Part of the reason I choose the 990FX over the 970, was the 16x 16x crossfire. I had 2x 7870XT (7930) cards in crossfire. I've since upgraded to a Radeon R9 290 and with a i5-4570K for my sins.