I may have some family that works at Intel that say 3D processors are on the way, they said that everything will be stack on top of each other and the processor will be more like a cube.
Another note, I also hear that some phones are coming with lenses with multiple cameras so there is no focus point, the camera will be in focus all the time. Similar tech is already used in security cameras and drones.
Wondering if you know anything about this?
@wendell @Logan
No clue about the CPU thing, but the Camera thing has existed already, with multiple sensors, for about a million bucks. A better and cheaper solution would be amazing.
When you say cubes, how large of a cube...? Thought you probably can't get much info that might be intresting, a cube shape might be a lot harder to cool. It has more surface area, but a little more complex, I guess. Of course that only applies to something of a visible size, cubes that are 28nm means like nothing.
even if its not directed to me, I can share my perspective.
Facebook is going to attack very thoroughly the communication sector with oculus rift headsets. I understand we will have 2-3 3d cameras around the room, which will cast your 3d image onto web, and digitally process your face to remove headset.
Other much simpler way would be seethrough OLED screen in the middle of room with 2 3d cameras thats projecting person to sit or walk in your house/apt.
Yes we are currently making transition to 3d from 2d designs ~ this moves us forward more than ever before much faster. 3D processors is just the start, we should have 3d signal processors, and much more. Imagine all 2D designs and implement 3rd dimension to them. Most of things are already patented and waiting to be implemented. (most like 90% of everything we have today is still using 2D design)
To be honest I heard the cpu thing through my uncle from my cousin so technical details are filtered. I just know that he said that they are going to be a cube so I could imagine pins on the side of the cube, or something like this, I will ask my uncle next time he is around. The camera technology has been around since the 1800s but has be under Paton, everybody knows how patens help innovation jk, it would make sense in time they would be implemented into phones at some point, I can’t recall what the technology is called, I will try and find more.
intel used 3d transistors ~ connector/socket is still 2d.
samsung printed 3d nand memory ~ ssd memory.
amd&hynix did HBM - its actually step into 3d memory.
3D is not just stacked, 3d must have structure that takes advantage of being 3d, and works for better performance, less materials, cheaper.
3D signal processors are going to revolutionize computing hardware industry, if we won't move to something better before we implement that (like quantum computers)
Currently our ability of signal processing is like 1d->2.5d jump to 3d would grant us supreme ability to transfer data. The problem is how to understand this data, quickly enough to make sense and gain power from it.
I will have to ask my uncle some question when he comes soon