How will this fare against current and newer games that are coming out such as
Crysis 3
How will this fare against current and newer games that are coming out such as
Crysis 3
Your best bet would be to look at at some benchmarks of the graphics card. That will get you in the ballpark. I am at school but if I have time later I will try and find some for you.
One more thing: An R9 280X will out perform that 670 for about 20 to 30 dollars more.
Other than that the build looks good,
If u can play bf4 with 70-80-90-100+ fps u will be able to play the rest of the list :S
I would have looked at some other GPU, i think.
1333mhz memory looks abit "bad". But then again, mabe its not any problems to clock em a bit.
Awesome, appreciate it guys There she is, added Corsair Vengeance ram and the r9 280x
You also don't have a cooler, so your CPU is going to cause a lot of heat, I would recommend a Hyper 212 evo as they are fairly cheap and allows you to over clock decently enough. The Asus 970 board is the only 970 board I would recommend but even then i would spend the extra $30 to get a 99X Evo from Asus as they have a better powerphase design and high quality parts to ensure a stable overclock and that your parts will not burn out as fast. Sweet "The Rock" picture by the way.
Thanks man, appreciate the advice, i'll look into it. And thanks, I wanted something unique in the forum so I picked the rock
if i was you i'd put an ssd in there, but you can always do that later :)
ssd for the ppl, for the win! :D
A Hyper 212 Plus/EVO will help a lot. And the Plus performs maybe 1-2c hotter than the EVO. I don't think spending the extra money for that little difference is worth it.
Changed the:
RAM: Crucial Ballistix Sport 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory. Heatsinks are pretty much for the looks. RAM sticks run fine without them, which you can see in many server builds.
CASE: NZXT Source 210 Window ATX Mid Tower Case. Has window. If you want it. Personal preference, really.
PSU: Rosewill Hive 650W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply. Cheaper than the Corsair CX600M, and pretty high quality.
Case Fan: Kingwin CF-012LB 40.0 CFM 120mm Fan. Because the Source 210 only has one by default.