Funny/Useless commands

whatis microsoft
microsoft: nothing appropriate.


sl is actually more than useless, it’s detrimental. When I had it installed I was forever mistyping ls as sl and had to (could’ve ctrl+c but meh) watch it pass until I uninstalled it and alias sl=ls

Pretty sure thats the point =P

i dont ever mistype so it wasnt a issue for me


If i had a penny for every time…

>>> exit9)
  File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
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“whoami” is pretty useless on most systems as the user is generally already accounted for.

sudo insults:

user@localhost$ sudo su
[sudo] password for user:
And you call yourself a Rocket Scientist!
[sudo] password for user:
Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

run sudo visudo
find the defaults section
add “Defaults insults” to it (no quotes).
save and exit
and now you will be insulted when you mistype your root password.


one of my favorites in dos
PROMPT= hello shithead $p$g
you would get
hello shithead c:/>

I don’t know why people just scrolled past this. I know this thread is about useless commands, but this command is actually really cool.
I first read it on the Gentoo wiki on how to safely wipe a drive and it for sure is a great thing to have handy. :+1:

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Does a fork bomb count as funny and useless? :wink:

Here’s my contribution, though it’s a non-standard command: Try apt installing sl! :smiley:

echo "alias ls=\"touch furryporn.mkv; ls; rm furryporn.mkv\"" >> /etc/profile
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