During a lazy day at work I was using the command “echo -n” and after realising something kind of silly I just started snickering.
So here is the thread: redundant, useless or just amusing linux commands. To start it off, the thing that got me;
‘echo -ne “Hello World! \n”’
Oh… I may or may not have actually used cat file | grep string in my script earlier today…
I had no idea that his thread would turn ou to be an educational experience. Thanks!
EDIT: Yep, “grep [OPTIONS] PATTERN [FILE…]” from the man page. I really should just dedicate a weekend to reading the entire man pages for commands I use on a regular basis…
Sudo is such a useless and silly command. Everyone knows you should always be in root and run everything from root and user accounts are for beginners.
Not really a command but one of my old favorites from when I fist used Ubuntu 7.04.
cd /usr/bin/X11
cd X11
cd X11
cd X11
cd X11
cd X11
cd X11
cd X11
cd X11
cd X11
cd X11
cd X11
cd X11
cd X11
cd X11
cd X11
cd X11
cd X11
cd X11
cd X11
cd X11
cd X11
cd X11
cd X11
cd X11
Iirc a linux guide told me to do that and I would usually do that when ever I was trying to think up a new way to break my install.
Used to help from time to time in the Ubuntu IRC and it was always amazing how many people would freak out about that and would get angry that there were so many X11 folders taking up their hard drive space…