Functional use for old PCs at work

I have two old crappy PCs at work. One has 1 gb of DDR2 RAM. The other has 256 mb of DDR RAM.

Could I use some simple Linux OS on these? The DDR2 system has six SATA connections so i could possibly use it as a file server or backup machine??? They are just sitting there collecting dust.

Any ideas?

I remember they did a router build using a fairly low power old PC. Might be worth looking that up on the TS channel. You'd need network cards but it has some cool features.

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I think as some sort of home storage device for you network would be acceptable.

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If you can make use of them some how at work then great otherwise get rid of them. I'm a bit of a PC hoarder and I love trying to make them of some use. But in the end I don't really need them and my electric bill generally makes me realize this.

for the 1gb one, you could try lubuntu or similar. For the 256 I guess Puppy is the only one I can think of.
You could also set them as print servers, home automation, routers, or any other thing.

I'm like @jessepage1989 I tend to collect old hardware and try to repurpose it for something. I just finished with the hardware/software on and old centrino2duo laptop that I repurposed as an upright bartop arcade machine and media center (mostly to display pictures) .

Use the chance of having a spare system you are not scared of breaking to experiment new things!

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