I have two old crappy PCs at work. One has 1 gb of DDR2 RAM. The other has 256 mb of DDR RAM.
Could I use some simple Linux OS on these? The DDR2 system has six SATA connections so i could possibly use it as a file server or backup machine??? They are just sitting there collecting dust.
I remember they did a router build using a fairly low power old PC. Might be worth looking that up on the TS channel. You'd need network cards but it has some cool features.
If you can make use of them some how at work then great otherwise get rid of them. I'm a bit of a PC hoarder and I love trying to make them of some use. But in the end I don't really need them and my electric bill generally makes me realize this.
for the 1gb one, you could try lubuntu or similar. For the 256 I guess Puppy is the only one I can think of. You could also set them as print servers, home automation, routers, or any other thing.
I'm like @jessepage1989 I tend to collect old hardware and try to repurpose it for something. I just finished with the hardware/software on and old centrino2duo laptop that I repurposed as an upright bartop arcade machine and media center (mostly to display pictures) .
Use the chance of having a spare system you are not scared of breaking to experiment new things!