From FX to Ryzen query

Well, to start off, is there a significant performance jump when switching to Ryzen? I'm currently on an FX 8370 at the moment and want to upgrade to the R7 1700. Also, is it possible to run a GTX 1070 and RX 480 on the same motherboard? I have an idea for the build itself just wondering if the performance is worth the upgrade.

The build:

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In some games, yes there's a significant increase in performance. In other games, no. It really depends on the games that you play a lot.

i had a huge jump from a fx 8350 to a core 17 3400 (non k)
I7 6700 @3.4 GHZ
it halved video encoding times, and runs far cooler as well.
thats what this machine gets mostly used for is video encoding and general use. im not a gamer.

I see, would it help for streaming as well?

I see. I do game and stream. I've been pondering doing an intel used/junk build to see if I can make a new lan-box.

If you're streaming using CPU encoding, yes I'd say it will help a lot.

IPC wise from ~95 to ~150 is good jump i was FX-8300 OC @ 4.6Ghz guy :slight_smile: now i am running Ryzen 1700X games run smoother like Rainbow Six Siege my grap.card is GTX 1080.

There shouldn't be a problem with a GTX 1070 and a RX 480. Are you planning to do a PCIe passthrough?

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Good indeed, I'm going to wait a year or two before I upgrade my graphics card. 1070 should take care of my needs at 1080p though, my 480 does that as well. I really keep an Nvidia card around for physX titles.

What is PCIe passthrough?

I literally just spent 2 weeks benchmarking this exact scenario and am about to post the results.

I do not have any graphs up yet, because I am in the middle of processing the raw data. When I finish, I will post the results using graphs and disclaimers and stuff. Keep in mind tho is that I do not have anything as high end as a GTX 1070 ($450 video card omg >.<). I used a GTX 660 ($210) and GTX 1050 Ti ($120) for my tests.

If you can't wait a day or two for me to create some polished posts here is the raw data:

I thought you were planning to install Linux (1 GPU) and run Windows as a VM, which is given the other GPU to run games.

I have never used Linux before. It seems scary, but I have been wanting to try it. Once I get a spare HDD I'll try it out.

I picked up the 1070 for 350 on a deal. I picked up the 480 originally as the main card but then found out that I'd need an Nvidia card for PhysX games (which when I tried to run a physX game wow... just wow. So bad.) I also found that my RX 480 runs emulators a lot smoother than my 1070. So I'm building somewhat of a hybrid build of my current 1070 streaming machine and my old 480 MAME machine.

How exactly are you planning to use both cards then?

Initially I was going to try my hand at something I saw in a Linus video years back. While I don't need both cards running in the same machine (and depending on the results post build I might just put the RX card into my lan-box) I don't really feel like parting from them right now. I suppose that I could test out differences between Gsync and Freesync monitors with the cards.

Allright. If what you are planning works in general - switching GPU as you desire - I assume it should work with Ryzen as well.

With the X370 Asus prime board you picked you would have no issues with the graphics card combo you mentioned. But be aware for game titles that don't support DX12 asynchronous (implicit) multigpu won't ever utilize anything but the primary card. DX12 (explicit) multigpu will utilize both cards if they are matched features and vram as far as I'm aware. But you may have good results in video editing applications or anything that uses OpenCL to perform compute. Generally OpenCL stuff is vendor agnostic and is just looking for as many devices as it can find to share the workload.

Alright bed time. I'll post the full writeup when I wake up, but here are the conclusions:

  1. Synthetic, or CPU bound tasks have a 2x performance increase, roughly.
  2. Most games do not even care. The ones that do get maybe a 5% or less increase but sometimes, due to SMT, you get huge performance hits.

So dual-cores suck at encoding basically. More cores/threads at higher clock speeds = better. Worth every penny for productivity. AMD only. Intel's compute per monies stinks across the board.

Tomb Raider does not care what CPU you use or at what frequency. It just does not. It also does not even care if you are encoding in the background /while playing/ (not shown, will post later). Awesome. Just awesome.

If you have an old game that does not respond well to SMT and will not be getting updated, expect massive performance decreases. Or just like...disable SMT while playing for those games.

Shadow of Mordor scoffs at 16 threads. Even 2 threads is playable on Win10. (Win 7 is different story...)

Yey scaling! Finally! A full 3 fps. Hurrah!

Note that these tests are with a 1050 Ti. A 1070 might scale better.

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Handy info to have. Had I the need for the 1050 ti It'd be solid for what I usually play. Hopefully the extra threads will help with video editing and streaming.