I have been running freenas for a while and I have decided to give freenas 10 a go.
Seems pretty good so far :D.
Has it come out of beta testing yet?
edit: nope. Still beta 2. I'll wait until they release a stable version.
What are you liking about the new version?
Yes wouldn't mind some I sight since I got an LSI hba, hotswap caddy, 16 gigs of ecc ram to add to my already 16 gig of ecc, and an SSD for boot drive. Once it's all in about to swap over
I couldn't get it to run VMs on my Dell T3500 workstation with an X5670. Tried it twice with a fresh install too. VMs install fine, I have a supported CPU. Go to start it and the kernel panics and the whole system crashes
UEFI up to date?
Mine has 6 weeks, 1 day, 3 hours, 53 minutes and 42 seconds uptime ;)
Yeah I gave up on the UEFI install
It was in the second hour so I want back to bios and it worked.
I'm am back on 9.10. the system seemed ok for a while. Next day I started to have issues with everything. I think the update from that night broke something.
I use a VM (Ubuntu server) to run my security cameras (Unifi Video) I had some trouble getting this setup on Freenas 10
Then the share (smb3) started playing up I couldn't login and I had read access but no write access. this was working the day before.
I, too, switched. But to fedora and its fine. Love the zfs on linux though.
I can't vertualize (whatever they are calling it now, its not jails anymore) anything, says my hardware does not support it- for context its an HPz800, ESXi 6, on board LSI chip flashed to IT mode, x5 2TB drives in RAIDZ via VM of FreeNAS. I don't know to blame 10 Beta or its an inherent trait (and probably dumb on my part to even try) one cannot virtualize on top of virtualization. Withe Rockstor I could spin up Rockons (dockers) though, and had my Plex running that way. If I keep FreeNAS and this issue sticks, I will have to spin up another VM, mount the share and run Plex from there (I think I actually like this more anyhow).
I had the guts to play around with this stuff because of this guy on youtube that goes by Wendell, have you seen him around these parts?
What is the GUI like? I am not very good at using terminal yet haha
Yeah I'm using iohyve on frenas 9.10 for the VM I am using to run my security camera server/recorder. There are some good easy tuts on it and its pretty easy to use. I think iohyve is built into FreeBSD 10.3. i don't think there is any way to get virtual graphics working for VNC not sure though maybe there is.
@wendell have you any experience using iohyve?
vnc worked great on freenas 10 . They even have uefi/pcie passthrough working pretty well at this point.
oh cool Hmm I will give it another crack once it is released.
What all did you try to passthrough?
just an intel 10 gig nic
Its temping to run FreeNAS on a dedicated machine, but I have this stupid attraction to a 'one machine does all' build, so want to keep ESXi as is, and build everything on top of that. I feel you on using the terminal, I initially started my ZFS pools on Ubuntu server but it was painful- I imported the pool to the FreeNAS build and really liking that webUI.
I want to run a PoE security camera setup soon, I googled iohyve and don't really get the gist of it, can you explain? I was looking to do a zoneminder build on the ESXi machine, debated using a ZFS dataset for it's storage, or a drive in a 'safer' place.
Sidenote, I turned on traffic manager on my asus router and my ESXi box had crazy traffic, 15 gigs download in one hour (all HTTP), taking up almost the whole pie-chart making YouTube, Hulu and Netflix on the other devices look like tiny scraps. All I had running as VMs is a CentOS7 for Splunk and FreeNAS 10- no services, no torrents, nothing crazy showing in the syslogs from the router. I'm at a loss as to what is happening or what is compromised. I shut down FreeNAS to see where the trend turns when I get back home.
Yeah sorry if I wasn't clear, Iohyve or bhyve is the VM software built into freebsd 10.3 (I Think)
I am using it to run a VM (ubuntu server).
On there I have installed unifi Video.
I am extremely happy with unifi for a security camera setup
Check his iohyve tutorial out for 91.0 and see what ya think
well shit jumped the gun and did not read next post sorry