For those who are looking for online communities, go try out Lemmy

For those you do not know, Lemmy is a link-aggregator similar to forms like Hacker news, Reddit and Level one tech forms. What this means is that it is a collection of communities that you can post to. It has memes as well as many other communities such as Linux and cooking.

Lemmy became popular back when Reddit started killing off third party apps. This lead to a huge growth and due to the sudden change there was many problems. The software was originally in beta but now that it received so much attention it is now stable. We are past the crazyness of the migration everything seems pretty good. There occasionally is a bit of drama like the drama in the Star Trek community but for the most part it is normal.

To get started with Lemmy you need an instance. You can find all instances and communities here:

I would chose a medium sized instance that you like. You always can create another account on another instance.

Once you have an account, you can access content that is on other instances. This is known as federation. On the main page you can go to communities and then all to see all available communities. If you head back to the main page you can click on all to see what is trending across the fediverse. You can comment and post on pretty much anything and it will be synced across instances. Keep in mind many instances deferate with some known problematic instances but that shouldn’t be a problem unless you choose a instance that blocks most of the community. Some instances like lemmygrad are pretty much totally blocked across the board due to extreme political views. (Lemmygrad is communist)

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This pretty much replaced my r/piracy needs :laughing:




Well I would not personally engage in that stuff but fair enough. My fear though is that some of the Lemmy admins get threatened, sued or coerced into handing over data

I dont have an account i just read around over on a Tor Browser

Many instances use Cloudflare so many will not work with Tor