Foobar Mobile App?

Ever since I got into audio, I've been using Foobar as my only music software. I loved everything about it, and it was perfect for what I used it for. I also listen to music on the go, with my Nexus 5 in one pocket, a dac-amp in the other (Occasionally), and a variety of earbuds/ headphones. The one thing about listening on the go is that I don't like any of the software for android. I've tried everything out there and then I gave up. Right now, I'm using Poweamp as a TEMPORARY way to get by. It does have some customizability, and the audio quality is bearable, but not as good as I would like. Ever since I started using Foobar, I wondered about a mobile version. Now I'm on the verge of tears with all of this shitty software. That's why I'm here. I would love a version of Foobar for Android, and I was wondering what you guys think about this. Maybe we could contact the developer, and get a kick starter going. I also want to see if anyone else other than me is interested. Any thoughts or opinions would be appreciated. I just want the idea to go out however possible. And maybe, this could, somehow, appear on inbox.exe...

Poweramp (paid version) is really the best audio software you can get on android, it's DAYS better than anything I've heard on it, though I use Apollo on CM10.2 and it probably has about 20% more clarity and fullness in audio, but because I'm using an HTC One M7 it has the whole beats audio DAC/AMP in it. With Poweramp it has the ability to rework the DAC/AMP to actually be a really nice DAC/AMP instead of being Beats sounding, with Apollo it seems to do this automatically. However Apollo doesn't have an EQ (because I'm using CM10.2m it has a separate EQ passive app.

IMO if you're not on a custom android kernel then stick with Poweramp (if you've rooted your device, you get a lot more functionality out of it too)

Also keep in mind that mobile audio on a phone won't ever compare to what you can get from something like an external DAC or a lot of time not even on-board audio. I don't personally know how the Nexus 5's audio is like, considering my phone has a decent AMP/DAC in it after some softmods.

Look into an app called Neutron music player.  It kills every other music player I've used.  Used it on my nexus 7 for a long time now, it just has more options than any other player and is designed with audio quality in mind.  Give it a long time to grow on you though, the UI is kinda rough at first.

I am using a combination of VLC and N7 Player. N7 is nice visually but android does not support certain audio formats so I use VLC for anything else.

I use Foobar for tagging and organising. N7 does the same job for me, some people don't like the layout. It has full tagging abilities, it can download the album covers or offer the ability to do it manually if it cannot find them. It can link into Last FM if you have that

Vlc is still beta and has a few problems mainly an audio glitch at the start of audio playback but there after it is perfect.

There doesn't need to be a foobar for mobile, foobar just does not offer syncing capabilities.  Even if there was a "foobar" app, there would probably be very limited amounts of customization due to the fact that the interface has to make sense on a phone.

I personally use NexMusic, which is a cards style music player that is very simple. It "can" download album covers automatically but it'll probably get it wrong and the download resolution is quite low, but I embed almost all my album art on my PC anyway.

What I want to know is, why do you think the software is so crappy? Sound quality is never gonna be the same as a PC (hence I use 96kbps vorbis on the go, yes kill me now), and most UI's are quite standard with grids for albums/artists and now playing screens.