After using the card on bare metal, and having huge success with Proxmox on another system, I decided to move my workstation also to Proxmox.
While the setup and GPU Passthrough seems easy in the first place, the doom dropped once I started restarting my ubuntu Guest (with AMD ROCm installed). With the same symptoms of others’ bugs, the guest locked up upon shutting down, and from the host the GPU becomes an unknown adapter.
The only way to get it back to work is to reset the host. This isn’t the best solution obviously. I wonder if anyone knows there is a fix for Radeon VII?
I have seen those for Vega and maybe Navi, but not sure if they apply to Radeon.
Much appreciated if you wouldn’t mind sharing with me your solution.
There is none, the magnificent @gnif already tried his hands on creating a patch for the Radeon VII as far as I remember, but as far as I am in the loop without help from AMD there is not much progress to be made.
Thanks guys for the replies, I have also read up on this issue, and understood that there wasn’t any good solution for at least RVII yet.
With Nvidia now even providing SR-IOV on their gaming cards, I am totally done with AMD’s cards and their hypothetical high performance which never actually deliver, nor be utilized properly…
When did NV have a change of heart on this? Right now, you have to employ a hack to get passthrough to work on NV gaming cards. It is not hard, but NV actively prevents users doing this. They can prevent this outright in the future with a driver update. AMD on the other hand does not stop you from doing this, but for cards that have the reset bug, AMD has not given much effort on solving this since it eats into their actual SR-IOV marketed cards.