Fitted an extractor fan, but a heat recovery one (that might work!)

Hello all,

Thought I’d mention this in case it’s helpful for others.

I have a stupid house - there’s a conservatory on the back, the next room in is a bathroom, and a small hallway to the kitchen. I’m in a terrace house, so there’s one way I definitely can’t go!

Because of this arrangement, there’s never been any ventilation of the bathroom :roll_eyes:

So after some mulling over, I bought a compact “Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery” unit (MVHR), instead of a normal fan - being aware of energy prices and all that. Also because I don’t want to blow perfectly warm air outside when possible!

Marking out time - having to avoid lintel over window, and top of conservatory roof, but as high as possible in the bathroom.

Angle grind (diamond edge disc) off tile

Damn, should have cut “L1” in there, hehe.

Now time to see how cheaply they did this bathroom…hmm, just my luck.

Hey ho, that’s what multi-tools are for, now we can see the external brick leaf

And through (looking from outside)

The cores and tools FYI

Test fit

Skipped a bit, cut through side of conservatory, put ducting in (laser is because I need the pipe to have a fall down to outside, in case of water/moisture build up)

cut to fit

bathroom before final fitting

new vent and hood sticking out of conservatory

Hope that’s of interesting to someone, if it doesn’t work as hoped, I’ll switch it out for a normal extractor, there’s another place that this unit would work and at least the ducting is in now.


Little update, I think I’ll put it out and put a conventional extract in there. Pity, I’ll miss the heated air I paid for, that’ll be sucked out! :roll_eyes:

Put an ‘extract only’ type fan in.


love it

hugely inspiring

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Nice clean job! (We expected nothing less…)

Did the heat one not clear the mist/moisture quick enough?

Or like noise or some such?

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Glad to hear it :+1:

Oh don’t, you’ll make me blush :blush: …you will see where I slipped with the angle grinder once, I was a bit annoyed about that!

It worked relatively OK, but I don’t think it had the power…luckily it completely died after only 2 months(ish), so I ripped it out (carefully) and returned it. Am posting it tomorrow, hopefully I’ll get a refund (it was not cheap).

Noise was very acceptable, it’s designed to run continuously and had hi/low settings, only ran at 2-3W on full power.

In comparison, the new one:

Has humidity sensor - I was going to wire to light, but people in my house don’t always turn the light on when showering/bathing.
Is a bit louder, but simpler works better (nearer 8W), for less time. It’s vastly quieter than your average kettle when it’s boiling (not sure why I compared it with that!)
Definitely clears room better, but that was expected as it’s more powerful and only pulling air out.

I still need to sort out kitchen extraction as…well…there isn’t any. I’m not happy about this, but the bathroom is next to the Kitchen (I’m intending to change this). I’ve tested humidity levels and it’s clear that the kitchen vents to the bathroom, so this fan is doing double duty for the moment.

I haven’t lost faith in single room MVHR’s, I’d like to get this one and use it in the Kitchen, but getting my hands on a 165mm core drill is not very easy.