FISA warrant issued on American citizen? (Manafort)

You can’t order a wiretap without any paper trail. It would be the
easiest thing for Trump to prove if it were true. The real reason why
Trump tweeted that brain fart is because he’s scared. He’s basically
cornered now with nowhere to go. And on top of that he’s a moron who
fired the guy who’s been investigating him, and now more people are
investigating him and his allies. Trump supporters need to prepare
themselves for the inevitable because they voted for a lifelong
criminal, and there’s only one way that this can end. It’s only a matter
of time.

Sure you can. It’s called the Five Eyes program, plus plausible deniability – just ask someone over at GCHQ to perform the tap for you, and afterwards every US official can say that no American resources were put towards the goal of spying on The Enemy (you know, that thing that got Nixon into such trouble).

Anyway, this is all just theater, happening because the professional class is piqued that Trump eked out a win, but especially that he initially seemed unwilling to sign onto the imperialist program. He’s been mostly neutered by now though – surrounded by generals, and happily shouting at NK/Iran, and likely China.

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Great article
expands on the article posted by @kewldude007 from CNN

Sharyl Attkisson brilliant as always:

Good news, a DC court actually found something unconstitutional, hopefully this will become trendy :slight_smile:

Your standard for brilliant is so low, it’s actually in the negative.

Trump said that Obama illegally wiretapped him. The truth is that the FBI legally wiretapped Manafort. So pretty much nothing that Trump said was true. He is panicking, as he should be. Both Manafort and Flynn were unregistered foreign agents during the campaign. Then there is that meeting at the Trump Tower, the constant lying by so many people in his cabinet who said that they didn’t have any contacts with Russians, yet they had multiple meetings with them, then there’s the server that communicated with Russian Alpha Bank etc. Not to mention Comey firing. So either Trump colluded with Russia or he’s completely retarded. Those are literally your only logical options at this point. You either support a criminal and a traitor or a retard.

Yes they legally tapped the line. The illegal part is they can only listen to and use the tap to monitor a foreign entity.

When they heard an American talk, and kept listening and kept the tapes and used it against him and trump. That is illegal.

Law can be a funny thing when you try to apply common English to legal issues.

Was the target working for a foreign government? That might make him an agent of that foreign government, completely separated from his citizen status.

That would mean the taps were linked to the foreign agent, not the US citizen. They might be the same individual, but law can separate such things.

As far as needing to stop listening if a US citizen is part of the conversation being recorded, dumbest thing I have ever heard.

A grand jury is being selected (started like two months ago). There must be something to it. Be patient.

No need to go all five eyes conspiracy, the FBI can legally wiretap any US citizen with the proper warrant.