Ok so this will be my first pc build. The budget will most likely only be able to go up to 1200 however less than that would be just fine. Here are the specs that I see as the best for 1200, if you have any suggestions or comments please do not hesitate to post CONSTRUCTIVE criticisms or opinions. All of the hardware will be bought from newegg and this build does factor mail in rebates into the price.
Core i7 3770k
Asus p8z77-v lk
HIS iceQ 7970
Corsair vengeance 8gb@ 1866
Rosewill Capstone 550w
Lite-on DVD burner
CoolerMaster Seidon Watercooler
Seagate Barracuda 1tb drive@ 7200rpm
All in a CoolerMaster 690 II
For a total of: $1134.90
For future upgrades after the build I do plan on addind 8gb more of CV ram and another Seagate Barracuda drive to go in a Raid-0 configuration
that ram is also a little bit daring with 1866 mem clock. maybe step down to 1600? link to what youre thinking about would be good this looks like the one youre thinking about which is actually not a bad deal haha http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820233170
asus boards will kick ass, i literally have zero complaints about my z77-v pro board.
Can't really attest for the quality of the water cooling loop, but I know those 3 slot triple fan ones reaaaaallly kick ass as long as you can get the installation right. Fun little project, looking forward to putting one on my 6950.
I would reccomend a Wester Digital Black hard drive if your not going to get an ssd. I would also say get good air cooler my personal favorite are the thermalight ultra 120's R3 rather than a water cooler on your first build, in most cases its unnessisary complication and with this particular one you might get less or at most equal to the preformance of good air coolers. I do not reccomend doing raid 0 now that there are ssd's, its risky and unnessisary not to mention you will have to reinstall everything all over again. And your going to need a larger PSU 650 should do it, your cutting it very close with a 550w(I don't even think they have the right cabels for a 7970) . Also for psu's I highly recomend Seasonic they make really effiecnt psu's.