Right first off i am new to the forums and new to building PC's so if i get any thing wrong feel free to correct me.
So i have been a PC gamer ever since i can remember but i have never built a PC and would like to for reasons i will answer if you want to know so here are some of the questions i would like to ask about building a PC.
- Will any motherboard fit any case?
- Will any graphic's card fit any motherboard?
- Can i literally just shove X Gb of ram in a mother board and it work?
- Do i need to use special software to make it work or can u just build install windows 8 and it all work together
- Is any one willing to skype so i can ask them questions about the build. it would help Allot (alex.hodgson10)
- My email is ([email protected])
I live in England so every thing will be in £pounds
I have £1000 to spend on this build with a £100 buffer and £100 to spend on things like a keyboard and mouse and other things like that "I have a monitor"
I will be using the computer for gaming only, i don't really care much about graphics but the better the better? but i will be playing lots of skyrim, eso, lol " If i can get the damn thing to work" dayZ, Rust and other rpg like games
I wont be over clocking my system as i have heard that it can damage components but if it cant or if thair is a way to stop that happening then i will go for it
Im not sure about water cooling as in i don't want things to get too complicated or expensive but if i have to well i will then
I think i have a spare install of windows 8
Because i game lots i like a fps count that is smooth and not jumpy im not worried about getting like 100 fps just something that i can't see each frame individually like 30-40+
Like i said earlier i wont be worrying to much about graphics but i would like to have them as high as i can get for £1000
As i said i need peripherals i have £100 to spend on them. I would like a mechanical keyboard that wont break on me a simple one will do like the ninja camo or whatever its called. In term's of mice i like a large mouse not too many buttons 2-3 extra will do me and a thumb and pinky rest are ideal as i have massive hands
And one last thing is no matter what motherboard i would love it to have a ps/2 connector
If you have stayed with me for this long wow thanks and any feed back would be much appreciated
-Alex (っ◕‿◕)っ ♥ now go get a cookie for yourself