First Build, Could Do With Some Help?

Right first off i am new to the forums and new to building PC's so if i get any thing wrong feel free to correct me.

So i have been a PC gamer ever since i can remember but i have never built a PC and would like to for reasons i will answer if you want to know so here are some of the questions i would like to ask about building a PC.

  1. Will any motherboard fit any case?
  2. Will any graphic's card fit any motherboard?
  3. Can i literally just shove X Gb of ram in a mother board and it work?
  4. Do i need to use special software to make it work or can u just build install windows 8 and it all work together
  5. Is any one willing to skype so i can ask them questions about the build. it would help Allot (alex.hodgson10) 
  6. My email is ([email protected])

I live in England so every thing will be in £pounds

I have £1000 to spend on this build with  a £100 buffer and £100 to spend on things like a keyboard and mouse and other things like that "I have a monitor"

I will be using the computer for gaming only, i don't really care much about graphics but the better the better? but i will be playing lots of skyrim, eso, lol " If i can get the damn thing to work" dayZ, Rust and other rpg like games 

I wont be over clocking my system as i have heard that it can damage components but if it cant or if thair is a way to stop that happening then i will go for it

Im not sure about water cooling as in i don't want things to get too complicated or expensive but if i have to well i will then

I think i have a spare install of windows 8 

Because i game lots i like a fps count that is smooth and not jumpy im not worried about getting like 100 fps just something that i can't see each frame individually like 30-40+

Like i said earlier i wont be worrying to much about graphics but i would like to have them as high as i can get for £1000

As i said i need peripherals i have £100 to spend on them. I would like a mechanical keyboard that wont break on me a simple one will do like the ninja camo or whatever its called. In term's of mice i like a large mouse not too many buttons 2-3 extra will do me and a thumb and pinky rest are ideal as i have massive hands 

And one last thing is no matter what motherboard i would love it to have a ps/2 connector 

If you have stayed with me for this long wow thanks and any feed back would be much appreciated

-Alex (っ◕‿◕)っ ♥ now go get a cookie for yourself

1: not exactly, but there are only a few different mobo form factors, but the seller of the case should list what types it fits.

2: generally, if it's PCI-E, yes.

3:no, but they usually come in matched kits. make sure that it's ddr3 and not ddr2.

4: pretty much, although you should install drivers after you install windows


What Commisar said. I will be willing to skype in order to give you some help. My skype is william.russell890

Use this website to design your build:

It will look for compatibility issues and search multiple sources for the component to find the best price.

Good luck with the build!

for all the replys thanks guys it helps me alot!

Here's what I would do... pretty solid all around and will run anything on ultra at 1080p...