Fire tablet "google play games" app on CyanogenMod, how to install? (solved)

I picked up one of dem fire tabs for $35 as an impulse buy on black Friday, naturally I installed CyanogenMod. Don't judge me but I likes to play plants vs zombies 2 and this requires the latest version of "google play games" app to link up to the cloud

the problem here is if I try to install it via the google app store I get bla bla bla can't be installed (Error code: -505) not a direct quote. I wants this to work. How can I make it?

i assume you mean the amazon fir HD 7inch tablet look at this post to install cyagenmod on it

I already have it installed as I said in my op

oh i thought you ment that you tried to install it via the playstore my bad how did you install the gapps (google apps) onto cyagenmod?

I did I installed a zip entitled "open_gapps-arm-5.1-pico-20151120" as I was told if I tryed something else it would not work

also note your link is for the hd 8.9 kindle fire I got the non kindle "new" fire tablet its the cheap one

the ones labeled kindle where the last generation they dropped the kindle in new versions

this is the rom I used link

ok well the answer is obviously to install it using gapps,

I can not install the full super package on this device since there is not enough internal storage and none of the ones small enough to fit include google play apps by default.

I used a configuration file with the super version to only include the google play games app. Doing this cause it to uninstall all my other google apps but otherwise worked. It seems I have no choice but to go though the list and manually include all the google apps I want. more work than ide like but oh well.

perhaps I can include the largest downsized packages in my config file then also include the google play games app and this would work? edit: nope that resulted in it not installing anything