Fedora 28 is here!

It’s a couple of day late but Fedora 28 is here. I’ve been on it for a day or so and everything is a good as 27 on a 6yr Old Dell Inspiron 15R. Actually see a slight bump on battery life ( still doing more testing ).

What important for me is the nvidia repo added. It’s been a pain at times to install Nvidia drivers on Fedora, so seeing this is a good move forward in my book.

Fedora 28 is available now for download

Also check out the Fedora labs which I think are under appreciated/promoted for those looking for specialized builds.


I upgraded my laptop to 27 about a month ago. My desktop to 27 last weekend.

I got into the habit of holding off on new Fedora releases for a few months due to instability in fresh releases. Something something near bleeding edge distro. Is this still a wise course of action? Have they gotten better with this?

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I feel like it has, but my laptop is pretty much the proving ground for me. My desktop is still about a month out before I nuke and pave.Mostly due to the Nvidia driver, it’s pretty much been a crap shoot for me

I’ve been doing in place upgrades since 22 or 23 on both laptop and desktop. The laptop install has seen two completely different laptops.

I’ll keep my eye on 28, though. In the past I’ve experienced the most instability on the laptop, maybe because it’s a laptop or maybe because I use it more. Not sure. Graphical issues and power issues mostly. 26 was the best so far, 27 seems stable too.

Mehhhh. Yes and no.

New releases usually contain some security updates and bug fixes, so its generally a good idea to keep computers as up to date as possible, but I do agree that day 1 launch releases aren’t always as stable as they could be.

I think a pretty good policy is to wait a week after release and read the fedora reddit or better yet the mailing list to see if everything is quiet. If someone isn’t flipping out over some issue, then its probably safe to upgrade.

If people are freaking out, then just keep an eye out for a small patch release and go from there.

GOAT OS just got GOATer.

Need to do a fresh install to check their one click nVidia driver install.

As it stands, going from 27 to 28 worked without issue.


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Update: I upgraded with my video card install on Saturday and I honestly can’t believe how smooth Gnome 3.28 and Fedora 28 is. :clap::clap::clap::clap:

Upgraded my home desktop to it the other day. Seems ok. No breakage to speak of just yet. Late updates to Fedora 27 both fixed (out of the box) and later broke my Vega but Fedora 28 seems solid with it out of the box so far.

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So I’ve not checked. Apparently this release has a button on gnome software to enable 3rd party repo with Nvidia drivers and such. Rpmfusion I assume

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I heard it’s RPMFusion as well but I have not checked. I went with Negativo17

Finally got around to installing it on my laptop. I was running Fedora 27, but opted to do a fresh install instead of an upgrade.

I like it so far. Not a lot of big changes from the previous version.

On my 5yr old laptop I noticed considerable fan speed difference. No more ugly looks at the coffee shop…

I find that option to be really interesting.
And makes me currious to take another look at Fedora again.

I have one problem to report.

My right click no longer works. Hmmm…

I posted another link on Ryzen zen speed. I have noticed local video and youtube hitching since Fedora 28. Im only a layman but I am not so sure on the new CPU scaling.