Fan connector for the Lenovo M720q

I’m trying to figure out the connector for the fan of the Lenovo M720q but I’m coming up short. Basically I want to adapt it to a full size desktop fan connector, but I can solder that up if I at least have the Lenovo fan connector. The pin pitch is 1.5mm.

Any help is hugely appreciated

Best bet is prolly to cut the stock fan and splice/solder to a standard pwm fan plug. You will have to use a multimeter to verify the pin-out because I doubt its standard at all. Also no guarantee speed control will work as expected, the BIOS my just ramp the fan to 100 or error saying the CPU fan is dead.

Would have already done that if I had the stock fan :pensive:

IIRC PC fan headers have no standardization body. The 3/4 pin PC fans we’re all used to are actually just a Defacto standard. Unfortunately unless you can find someone with one I’m not sure how else to help. Sorry man best wishes.

EDIT: I did some searching around the web also, It’s definitely not Molex spec and don’t see any more information unfortunately.

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Appreciate the effort, thanks

looka like a standard lenovo laptop fan connector to me

Are you sure it isn’t 1.25?

Looks like Molex PicoBlade (Part No 151340400) to me.

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That looks about right, ordered some so we’ll see if that works. Thanks for the help

That was the one, thanks for your help

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