So this is the first time I am crawling outside of the anime thread (woo) since joining, seems LTT forums and the NMM forums are pretty dead.
Onto the problem, the TLDR version I’ve downloaded all the mods I want and NMM correctly as far as I know but they don’t seem to be working. I also edited the .ini files correctly, but the mods don’t seem to be working.
More details:
I downloaded NMM for Fallout 4 and had it set all the files up for me
I’ve downloaded my mods in the correct order with all their requirements
the plugins are loaded in the correct order with masters first
the .ini files have been properly edited and saved
the game still runs fine but it is just the base vanilla game
I don’t have the script extender downloaded afaik but none of the mods I downloaded list it as a requirement
I’ve downloaded NMM for Skyrim and had it set up the files and downloaded mods and plugins for it and I know those worked
Update: I’ve read a little more and it seems that I need to delete the fallout4.ini file and keep steam or the game from creating a new one when I launch the game, How do I keep steam and the game from creating a new fallout4.ini file when the game is launched?
Update: I have downloaded the script extender just in case, this still hasn’t solved the problem.
Have you tried with just one mod/ one at a time?
When you start NMM, it should say that a file is set to “read only” and you have to let NMM change that to read/write.
Apart from that, using the script extender and the load order would be my next things to look at.
Oxhorn has done a vid on his load order, might be worth checking out.
Failing that, I could link you his Discord, there is a fairly active community there around the Fallout franchise
It should have a pop up appear when you first start the mod manager, unless you already selected to keep or change the setting.
If it doesn’t pop up, I’d check the settings menu in the mod manager
check the video tutorials from gophersvids, he goes step by step and offers suggestions, to be honest I don’t remember the details of modding fo4 but every time I want to mod and don’t remember how I watch his videos.
Just tested it with just 1 mod, and have watched all of gophers videos on that playlist, I also started up the game with F4SE and it didn’t do anything, I’m not sure if opening it with that was supposed to keep the game from creating a new Fallout4.ini file but it didn’t (though it does capitalize the .ini now so it is .INI now when it makes a new version of that).
Still just loading the vanilla base game, it doesn’t crash or anything, it just doesn’t load mods.
Probably, but NMM should only take like 2-3 mins to install? You can back up the mod list/profile and save the downloaded files elsewhere in the mean time to save downloading them again
Actually, the list isn’t too big, probably better to start from scratch, like just the base game, and one mod, like the sim settlements or the armour keywords.
With the game itself, I would leave most of it, just move the files you modified somewhere else, revalidate, then try with the NMM
I only just started fallout 4 myself. I am addicted and have put 2 days played into it so far.
Mod wise there are far fewer mods than skyrim. I use nexus mod manager. Most mods I use are texture upgrades but there is an inventory mod that rocks.
I will edit and add it when I boot windows.
I use DEF_Interface
Valdacil’s Item Sorting
As to your problem it might be try running the mod manager as admin and use NMM to uninstall and re-install the mods. It’s been cookie cutter simple for me with fallout mods from Nexus and NMM,