Fallout 3 GOTY + Windows 11

Anybody have any luck getting this to run on Windows 11 ?

The kicker is that I can get Fallout 1 + 2 + NV to work fine but for some reason Fallout 3 will start and then exit after about 3 seconds or so of loading.

Any command line switches for logging ?

Somebody thought it might be the version of the AMD GPU driver package but since others are working fine then I dismissed this unless there is something very specific with this game.

Hi! I haven’t tried the game under Windows 11 but I got same result in 10. I’ll link what fixed it to me.

The part in “The Fix” section where they modify the configuration file. I did it in both the documents and also in game directory folder, as same file is in both locations.

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Thanks, I will check that I did it to both files in both locations.


Thanks, that worked, I decided to uninstall and delete any leftover folders and then downloaded a fresh copy from Steam.

Then ran the launcher initially to get some basic settings saved and exited.

I then added the lines to the files, including the _default ones and saved.


A few years back I did my most detailed playthrough of 3, ever. I left no stone unturned! I’m in the process of doing the same for NV. I was replaying 1, but I accidentally deleted my save and haven’t started it up again due to being annoyed. Interestingly, when I last ran 3 on Windows 10 it ran fine for the most part.


If I recall correctly there are some patches available on Nexus for NV and Fo3 to make them run a bit better on newer hardware. They appear in almost every modern mod guide I’ve seen for both games.

I believe you also need “Games for Windows Live” or some utility like that. It’s got an awkward name.

Failing all this you might try running the game in compatibility mode for XP (Win11 still does this, right?)…

New Vegas was fine, but FO3 required me to go on Nexus Mods and download a ton of compatibility patches to launch.

I didn’t actually try running vanilla NV. I think it also depends where you got the game from, different stores seem to offer slightly different versions of certain games, especially older games.

I think one of the patches on nexus allows the game to address more memory which is probably pretty useful if you want to use texture packs to make things look a bit nicer. I seem to recall installing some community bug fixes too, but that might have been Oblivion…

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GFWL was removed for at least the Steam version in a 2021 patch. GFWL Disabler is now only needed for the retail disc version.


I don’t even understand why it was necessary in the first place. That sounds like some kind of matchmaking service for old online games… :thinking:

I believe 3 is kind of hit and miss on 10. Probably depends on some type of hardware or drivers. I didn’t have to make that same mix on my current computer but did need to on older one, which is ironic.

I’m yet to play through more of 3 aside from main story though. I really love the game though!

OK so @Katie had most of the fix for me, but believe it or not, I also had to apply the Intel HD iGPU patch in order for the game to start a NEW game.

The patched d3dd.dll file makes the game believe you are running an nVidia GPU back in the day and it works.

So basically I had to run to manual patches to run and launch a new game on my Ryzen + Radeon gaming rig.

It seems to be running just fine now on Windows 11 Pro and have installed a few mods now including of course the Patcher to revert it back to the previous version so I can run FOSE properly.


I think I do recall this as welll, just very barely.

I do recommend any mod that adds cut content into the game as it’s fun to see that stuff.

@Katie going to play a Lucy Maclean type of goodie two shoes toon this time, Okey Dokey :stuck_out_tongue:

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A buddy at work got it running if you change it to XP compatibility.

The easiest and best way to play FO3 and FNV is under DXVK.
Both games are technically cursed and have constant issues running on Modern hardware in their unmodded state.
My FNV install is more stable and performant under Proton in Linux with a bunch of mods than it was on any of its release platforms.

Guide to follow would be this one:

Probably the best way to actually play FO3 is through TTW, which mushes both games together and lets you use the FNV mechanics and engine upgrades in 3. It also lets you use some FNV and 3 mods, critically it lets you use the stability and performance fixes made for FNV.

If you have the GFWL version of 3 it might be best to acquire a more modern version rather than trying to get it to work, GFWL was always awful, I returned my PC copy of FO3 to the store within days of launch and bought the 360 version my experience was so bad.