Facepunch halts development of RUST on Linux, due to Unity bugs, and abusive fans

Linux is and will still be supported but the decision to remove Linux from purchase was mainly based on multiple issues in the current Unity version (2018.1.4).

We’re currently unable to downgrade to a Unity version which corrects these Linux issues and we’re unable to upgrade Unity to 2018.2 due to a number of new issues.

Linux is in a state of limbo in which we’re unable to resolve, instead of selling a broken platform we decided to remove it from purchase but still offer it to existing players.


Isn’t the first time, won’t be the last.

The most popular reddit community for linux gaming considers emulation, VFIO, and in some cases, wine failed purity tests for acceptance, and think game purchases are a zero sum fight for survival

That’s the bar the majority of the demographic sets.

Hell, they picked one of the most ethical publishers in the industry to harass for using a porting wrapper, for pretty much no reason


Without being snarky, is anyone really that shocked.


This is what’s hindering adoption from folks like me that would love to ditch Windows for at least some tasks but are held back by poor adoption software-side. I wish devs were more open about this sort of behavior because perhaps it would straighten out the community a bit.

I can hope, right? :joy:


The problem is the community culture, not the devs.

The first response to any bugs or non-optimal performance (especially if wrappers are suspected) is to hound the developers nonstop, throwing public shitfits, and generally being an obnoxious pain in the ass that doesn’t have the install base to make it worth putting up with.

That and they reject anyone who fails their purity tests.


I don’t know how you gathered that I’m faulting the devs in my post. I just want to see more open criticism of the attitudes put forth by the community that causes this sort of frustration.

I was agreeing with u tho


Well I bought Rust on Linux and honestly it was money thrown down the drain! With every update even more was broken on the Linux port with the recent builds was literally unplayable!

Selling the gaming as working on Linux would be a lie and players could not get any answers from what is going on. Developers didn’t answer the community as to why the problems were there and on when/how things would get fixed.

I didn’t rant on different platforms like the rest of the community but there definitely was a problem.

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This is funny watching Linux users want proprietary software but it must pass a %100 native test. Either you care about FOSS or you don’t.

If you care about FOSS your games are limited to Xontic and Super Tux. If you don’t, why does it matter if the game uses a wrapper or not.

I just want to run games on POSIX system with hardware I choose (sorry OSX). If it means using orphan blood, I am ok with that.

Leave the devs alone.


isn’t that the definition of early access though

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the purity requirements some denizens of /r/linux_gaming hold are absurd


Don’t know if you were responding to my post.

I don’t care that it was being run through a wrapper or not. The developers are supporting gaming on Linux in their own way which is great.

My problem with Rust is having serious problems with the game and receiving zero communication from the developers.

A simple - Hey Linux players, if you are experiencing X bug it is because of Y Bug in Unity version XX.XXX. Unfortunately we will have to wait for Unity to fix the problem - would have been fine for me.

But instead months go by with players wondering what is going on.

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Glad I deleted my Reddit account group think and mob witch hunts have gotten to be too much.


working in media requires me to engage there unfortunately.

It’s a cesspool except for helpdesk subreddits for sure though

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Rust has been in Early Access for almost 5 years now, that changes my expectations a bit.

As I said in my second post my problem is paying for a game and it being in a state of unplayable for months and developers not communicating problems with players.

Information is king - just knowing what/why there is problems would have been good enough for me.


you live by the preorder, you die by the preorder.

Don’t buy unfinished games if you want a complete experience.


At 5 years would you say you got your $20 worth?

Only preorder paradox games. easy.

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It worked for factorio.