Hi all, first time poster, long time watcher!
I have recently invested in a NAS (A Terramaster F2-210 - which is just some basic ARM based NAS). I’ve been reasonably impressed with it but I am at a loss at how to back it up remotely while meeting my other desires.
The NAS supports encrypting specific shares, which I dutifully set up. This detail becomes important later.
I wanted to back this NAS up to Backblaze B2 using Duplicati. It doesn’t appear there is an easy way to run Duplicati on the NAS directly, so I thought I’d instead run Duplicati on a Raspberry Pi 4 and mount the NAS shares via SMB. Turns out Duplicati is a bit of a bugger to get running on a PI, so I relented and instead decided to install it on my Linux desktop. Problem is, Duplicati seems extremely unhappy backing up from a NAS. I get loads of log lines complaining about file access issues.
Nevertheless, I tried mounting the share via NFS instead in the hopes that Duplicati would be happy enough to back up from a NFS share. It took me an embarrassingly long time to realise that I couldn’t mount an encrypted share with NFS. Whoops.
So this leaves me at a loss. Ideally, I want versioned backups to Backblaze B2 once a week, that are encrypted there. Are there any solutions other than Duplicati that anyone would recommend?