EWS377AP Wi-Fi Access Point Issues

I have 2 EWS377AP access points. One of them did not expose the SSIDs so I rebooted it. Still no SSIDs. Then I can’t log into it - until I try the default passwords, then I’m in! The log only has entries from 5 November, then today when I restarted it. Strange because I made a change to remove client isolation from the VLAN SSID which is my IoT subnet.

The AP seems to have totally reset itself. Any suggestions why? I don’t do anything crazy with the config - 3 SSIDs, one with VLAN.

Comments appreciated!

Sounds like faulty hardware.
You can try doing a couple of hard resets, reconfigure it and then monitoring it for stability. If it goes wonky again, its probably dying.
The other option is reaching out to ebGenius suppirt or their community forums and see what they say.

Thanks for the reply. I have reinstalled the firmware, reset the device and reconfigured everything. Up for 16 hours and seems OK. There have been a lot of power cuts and glitches lately, so I’m hoping the issue was a corrupt config rather than hardware!

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