EWS356 vs EWS356-FIT

i currently have a EWS356 AP an its ok but the web ui is shit an any time need to adjust advanced settings i have to do a total reset as for some reason every time lock in desired settings i lose access to the web ui an

any app control so with the EWS356-FIT do i get access to the advanced settings that are in the web ui but vi the fit app an are ther any screen shots of this

an with the EWS356-FIT can i set 6 different ssid & passwords on the 5ghz band vi the fit app an not have to use the web ui an what the lowest tx power level i can set my current is for the non-fit is 11 which puts the

signal way out into the street an somewhat into the neighbors yard which is slightly better then my old asus1750ac which blasted half of neighborhood but still sucked ?

if the fit’s tx power level can be set lower to like 9 or 7 i think that it would cover just my home an some of my yard which would be great

right now my EWS356 is dead center of my home all devices are getting a good green signal at -45dbu

20feet outside my home is -64dbu so i think that if the fit’s tx can be set down to 9 or 7 id be still good.

also can the fit’s bandwidth range be set as low as 20mhz

Didn’t we chat about tx power a long time ago?

The fit is fine for most people. It can be cloud managed or local managed with a key on the lan.

The locks web gui is clunky, but I’ve been using the non cloud access points for 6 months and find I prefer the “licensed” cloud APs.

we probely did i just forgot can you refresh me on the details an how to’s

on the ap an how to cloud manage an were to get a key for local management

right now my layout is as followed

my router is a FIREWALLA GOLD with my nas,network printer an a 5port switch in vlan mode plugged into it an on the switch my VoIP phone , pc , NVIDIA shield , an AP

to correctly configure the FIT AP with either cloud manager or a key for local management do i need to adjust mt layout or connect the FIT AP elsewhere in any other way ?

an can you suggest a 5 - 8 port 1 to 2.5gb switch from EnGenius the can be either cloud managed or key managed that also has 1 or more poe able ports an vlan options preferably under 200$