ESO Memory Leak

Hey, guys I have been trying to play the ESO all morning and have yet to fix the problem.

It seems I have a memory leak that very rapidly fills up my virtual memory and crashes my game. I am running win7 64bit on asus rampage 3 formula with 12gb of ram and a I7, with a radeon 5850.

All drivers are up to date and have even reinstalled windows to see if that fixes it, but to no avail. 

Im currently waiting on support to call me but there backed up so that might be awhile.

If you need any more info just ask ill be lurking.

 Edit: This was the response I got from the eso help line.

This error is occurring due to the large volume of logins. The issue should be resolved relatively soon. We recommend attempting to log in to the game again after a period of about 10 minutes.

But I get the memory leak as soon as I launch the game? Thanks in advance.

And if you still need a key here is one :) first come first serve.


Have you found any fixes for this issue at all. I am having the same thing happen to me and have not yet found a fix and there tech support has not been any help either.