Entering the small pc area. Was thinking Raspberry, then saw Odroid

Basically, I’m about to make that small step (for humanity) and get my first Raspberry type device.

This is the first acquaintance with this field, so this is basically a “I want something small, and I want to play with it”. I have a few initial “goals” I want to achieve (better to get familiar with something, when you have in mind a goal/goals you want to accomplish with it):

  1. Smart tv with Linux.

I’ve read that Fedora is still not ready for Raspberry, but at least Ubuntu.

Odroid is Celeron, so basically x64, making Fedora not a problem.

To have a browser, capable of html5 video playback (and VLC playback… maybe even 4K… I don’t know), tabs and stuff. I have constant power outages, and I have a power station for that scenario.

Maybe, just maybe, Steam with not resourceful games.

The TV and speakers consume about 50w, and I wish to find something within 50w as well.

  1. Device, which can run Java (I’m a Java dev, so having a small lab device to test stuff out is interesting).

  2. I’m also thinking about an e-ink display. So I want the possibility (I am new to this, and stuff like the 24-pin, or what was it, is unfamiliar to me at the moment). I thought about something like this https://www.amazon.com/7-5inch-HAT-Three-color-consumption-Resolution/dp/B075YP81JR

I had my mind set to Raspberry, then saw a familiar name of Odroid in a different thread, and went HMMMMMMMM.

I’m thinking between Pi 5 starter kit, and ODROID-H3. I do know that the second one requires buying ram, storage, case… making it somewhere 100 USD more, but at the moment I don’t really mind.

Wanted to hear your thoughts on this one.
Thanks in advance.

The H3 is quite the machine. It also does SBC-things, but is very powerful compared to other offerings.
Mine serves as a NAS (2x SATA, 4x in an USB-enclosure).

Edit: Odroid recently came out with the H4, which has even more ports:


The more I read it, the more “highly interested” sounds I make.

I did very much like this idea when I saw SATA ports. You made a separate case I assume. May I ask to share the picture?

I think I’ll start with H3 (not even H3+) for now.

ALSO, what power supply you are using for those extra 2 HDDs?

Currently out of town, so can not provide pictures of the mess :slight_smile:

Case is the H3 Type 5

USB-Enclosure is one of the countless USB-to-SATA things, I think I used an ICY-Dock one.

I had the idea to use a Silverstone ECS07 before, but the “powering the HDDs”-part put that on hold.

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Eh, cant find it in local stores. Will leave it for later.

Hum. An interesting option. I had an eye for IcyBox, but then I decided to reuse my previous pc with case. Maybe this still could be a thing. It’s definitely an easier solution.

I’m now trying to understand a phrase I found about m.2 yes, but m.2 - no.