Enderal: Forgotten Stories Standalone coming out on Steam Feb 14

Enderal is one of the best overhaul mods I played for Skyrim last year.

I put a solid 36 hours into the game. I even robbed the bank in the game for giggles because I was playing a roguish character.

Anyway on February 14 Enderal: Forgotten Stories Standalone will be released on steam.



What you need to know:

This is a standalone mod. You will need to own Skyrim one form of it either Skyrim or Skyrim Legendary. A Skyrim Remaster version will come much later and is being worked on. This will be a total separate install.

This is completely legal. Bethesda gave permission for this to take place. This includes new content if you happened to play Enderal before. I personally am planning on playing this.

Understand the leveling system and spell system is different than Skyrim. It is pretty cool though.

It supports modding.

Who is this for:
People who like RPG games.


I’m in… You see I will play that now, that it won’t completely take away my vanilla Skyrim.