[Ended] What would you do with a TerraMaster NAS?

poke it set it up run a file server on it forget it running under my bed. and use it for " the shit that needs to be saved" over the stuff than can be saved.

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I would take either this NAS or maybe my current NAS (synology) to my brothers and set it up for him to back up his computers and to use as a Plex server (he has hundreds of movies we could rip and put on it). I could also back up my PC’s to it and he could back up his PC’s up to my NAS, so we get better (for me and something for him) off site back up storage. Currently for off site (and onsite for my NAS) I am rotating two 10 TB usb hard drives each week taking one to work and bringing the other home and plugging it in to the NAS for it to back up my computer data to. So offsite backup is ok but can be a week out of date. That was fine when I didn’t spend 3 of 5 work days at home and most weekends , but could be an issue right now.

Fake False
Option 1, move my media to it so I can start gathering my important stuff to my freenas box.
Option 2, Put my important stuff on it.
Option 3, Set it up as a backup location

What would you do with it?!

I was thinking of building a TrueNAS server from old PC parts to host my decades of photos and videos plus stream my dvd rips
Currently I’m doing this on a PC via Windows Storage Spaces on 2 4GB Drives mirrored

What would you do with it?

Run it as Plex server, no transcoding, as well as a local backup.

What would you do with it?!

Went from a WD USB HD for backup storage to Windows Storage Spaces with double the storage Now I’m occasionally streaming working on projects and that’s eating storage It’s also my Streaming PC that is hosting my Backup Storage This would be great for offloading that backup storage and having more secure storage plus with much faster access

Eh, I said it in the comments but apparently there’s no direct links anymore, so I’ll just quote it here.

Oh for sure I’d run a plan9 file server with this. It’s a crazy operating system, and this would be just the most fun thing, especially with that 10Gbe on it <3


Plan9, I see that you are a person of Culture!


I would retire my old gaming PC running unraid and plug in the unraid usb into that and see how it goes for lower power consumption.

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I would use it as an ISCSI storage device as I am currently building a cluster lab. I would also allocate some space to backup the shed ton of garbage I have accumulated over the years :slight_smile:

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Where is a good starting point to learn about DIY solutions versus something like this?

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It’s been great. I have an fs set up in a VM, and I can PXE boot my Thinkpad, or drawterm from a normal pc and just have my world. Plus, like, there’s most everything I need now, from netsurf to even video*

  • the video is not gonna win any awards, it’s just workable for a handful of container types
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I am thinking like a box to store photos and videos now that Google will charge for photo/video storage beginning the middle of next year.

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I would use it for Plex media storage and automatic backups of personal data.

I would potentially also create a Steam Library Cache, so I can stop re-downloading games when I decide to pull out a classic.

Yo! I have a spare hardware whitebox server running kube and a few other VMs. It’s doing double duty with some janky old drives I have. It keeps me up at night. If I got the Terra Master I’d create a proper storage server and keep my whitebox as compute!

GUID for my paired comment on YouTube: 569d63d5-975d-44a4-bd8a-7a078f22e8eb

I’d fill it to the brim with hentai


Brilliant, insightful and informative video as per usual. I would intergrate the NAS into my home office as a solution to store rushes for my freelance Colour Grading work.

I would use it for backups of the data for all my PC’s. Also would probably store some plex libraries on it and photo backup.

I would replace my super janky Raspberry Pi + USB harddrive setup. I’m getting kinda sick of the RasPi dropping the USB drive just out of the blue. :smile:

I am looking to offload my mass storage of files onto a NAS. I also would like to run plex but don’t know if that would work with the content I have. I am currently storing my file on my main rig.