Emulator recommendations

I am looking for a good emulator for commodore 64, apple 2e, atari 2600, old school arcade games, etc.. I have set up mame, but my key bindings seem to erase every time I restart my PC. Can anyone recommend a solution to this issue, or another good emulator, or emulators.

Also, I have questions about the Retron 5. I have read the reviews, and some say it is wonderful, some say it has issues with certain Genesis. and Gameboy games, and that saving data on the console is good, but putting the data back onto the cart itself does not work. According to Hyperkin they plan to fix this in there next firmware update. So should I get it now or wait until the Firmware update is out, also since it is basically a emulation machine, does anyone know of any rooted software that allows you to play roms off the SD card.

Any Suggestions, comments, etc. are appreciated, Thank You 

For Genesis,Sega CD,Master System, and 32X try Kega Fusion. Snes9x for Super Nintendo. And nestopia for NES, Famicon, Famicon disk system.

Give these a try and let me know what you think. 

I am using project64, works great with Ocarina of Time. I use motionjoy for my ps3 controller. I've been having a lot of trouble with Dolphin, at first Wind Waker would keep crashing, I got it to work better but it still crashes. It took me a little longer but i got pcsx2 working, then when going through some files I deleted it today. My main problem with ROM's so far is i'm getting bad crap downloaded with my games, mainly from coolrom.com, so until I find better protection or a different site i'm sticking with project64.

I've been emulating old games for over 15 years, but mostly on Linux for the past 5 or 6, however for Windows I recommend these :

Kega Fusion - Sega Megadrive, Master System, CD, 32x

Higan - SNES 

Nestopia - NES

Final Burn Alpha - arcade. Not as good compatibility as MAME, but it's great for many games. 

Yabause - Sega Saturn 

Stella - Atari 2600

VICE - C64

Visual Boy Advance - GBA, Gameboy 

PCSX-Reloaded - Playstation

Mupen64Plus - Nintendo 64

Mednafen - Turbografx 16, TurboCD

FreeDO - 3do

I've been using this one on both my tablet and on windows and it works great. 

Don't use CoolRom, use emuparadise.me

To emulate a Commodore 64, I'm using VICE on GNU/Linux. If you use a package manager to install it, chances are it won't work right away, but here are some instructions that should do the trick:

Quick tutorial to help anyone who's stuck with getting this to work. Make sure it's installed first as this sets up the folders that you need to work from.

Open up a terminal and enter the following..

cd /usr/lib/vice/C64

  • Moves you into the main Vice directory.

sudo mkdir temp

  • Make a temp folder to work in.

cd temp

  • Moves you into that temp folder.

sudo wget http://zimmers.net/anonftp/pub/cbm/crossplatform/emulators/VICE/vice-2.2.tar.gz

  • Downloads the source file archive.

sudo tar vzxf vice-2.2.tar.gz

  • Extracts all the files from the archive.

cd vice-2.2

  • Moves you into the newly extracted folder.

sudo chown username *

  • Change ownership of all the source files (replace username with your ubuntu user name).

cd /data/C64

  • Moves you into the C64 folder within the data directory.

sudo chmod  a+rw basic kernal chargen

  • Change the permissions of the following 3 files; basic, kernal and chargen.

sudo cp basic chargen kernal /usr/lib/vice/C64

  • Copies the 3 files into the original Vice directory.

cd /usr/lib/vice/C64

  • Moves you back to the original Vice directory.

sudo rm -rf /usr/lib/vice/C64/temp/

  • Removes the now un-needed temp directory.



To start the program just enter into the terminal..


(or do a search for commodore in the unity menu)

The source code version and address of the files will change over time so please adjust this tutorial as needed.
This will get you version 2.2 of the source files. Check http://zimmers.net/anonftp/pub/cbm/crossplatform/emulators/VICE/ for other versions.

This is an updated version of a tutorial written by Tinuz in 2009. The original can be found here..

Source: User "Media Server", date 26-7-2012 on Ubuntu Software Center

I'm kind of surprised that no one has recommended ePSXe for emulating PlayStation One games.

It's a bit hard to get working on some distros of Linux. You need access to 32-bit libraries. It's really easy to get working on ArchLinux. It's pretty easy on Windows.

All you need after that is some good Plugins, Settings, and Bios and you are good to go.

Don't wanna hijack OP's thread, but can anyone recommend a good emulator for PS2? There's games like the Persona series and Shadow of The Colossus that I've never played. Although I do fear I'll have a hard time finding these games at a decent price.
