Elite: Dangerous Photo Gallery

Scout or explorer?

Still waiting for the Linux release of this, unsure why they are taking their time with that since its out on Mac OS, perhaps the lead dev is a Mac fan...

That's an Explorer.

Disappointed you can't get any closer to the surface.

Did the Hutton run earlier.

Went off in a random direction afterwards, to sell the stuff I bought there, and ended up in a greatly named station. There was a mission from there to Ridley Scott, but I decided to call it a day.

Absolutely shat myself jumping into this system. Put me right between the two stars. Felt like I was going to go straight into the red dwarf.


I'm not saying it's an alien pyramid, but it's definitely an alien pyramid.


I hope Horizons will get on sale soon.

with a gtx 970 or stronger DSR to 1440p gives us 1080p monitor peasants higher res screenshots : )
I might put my whole album on imgur.

Haven't added to this in a while.


These are some beautiful screenshots. Looks like I am going to get this one real soon.

Damn, those are pretty! I regret not snapping this up during the Steam sale.

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Can someone explain to me what I'm doing wrong? I've been trying to change the color of my ship's computer's HUD following the instructions I found here https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/2p3784/you_can_manually_customize_the_gui_colors

But nothing changes when I do it. :( cant they still be changed? Did they patch it or something so you can't change it anymore?


Here is my contribution.

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Haven't played in ages. Saw this on imgur, and think I might have a play again next time I can. Got a bit bored of constantly grinding.