Elder Scrolls 6 Confirmed, Takes Place in the Black Marsh

Its FINALLY announced and in Development, its kinda weird we haven't heard announcement of Fallout 4  but we know A Sequel to Skyrim is coming soon 2016.  heres a link



Hype hype hype.

I need to finish up Morrowind and Oblivion before this launches. I would also say Skyrim (like I'm going to replay the Witcher series before Witcher 3) but I've played Skyrim so many times that I'm pretty bored of it, even with mods.

Likewise I've gotten Bored of Skyrim with the Mods, I'm waiting for Witcher 3 as well, I hope Bethesda Adopts Mantle or TressFX for Elder Scrolls 6. Imagine Realistic hair movement and Life-like Grass, ohlawdhavemercy.

I wonder what the player character will be like in 6. I mean, I assume you won't be the dragonborn anymore. Are we going to get some other fancy power? Or are we just going to be a normal individual who happens to be able to be surprisingly proficient in all forms of combat?

Just out of curiosity, what improvements would you want over Skyrim? I just spent a few minutes thinking about it I realized the main problem I have with Skyrim at the moment is the story content. While I can of course add story content with mods, there always seem to be quest lines I want to play through to get certain rewards, and since I tend to do those every time I get bored very quickly.

Also, maybe I'm weird, but while I enjoy the open world aspect of Skyrim, it's not its main selling point to me. I play through both the main quest and many, many side quests, but I can't just wander around killing enemies or talking to people and still have fun. But just in general in games I find that I have to have some form of story going on even if it's a relatively crappy one.

Wonder if it is going to explore the the Argonian invasion of Morrowind?

According to Lore Non-Argonians really can't live in the marsh's deepest parts, maybe New Vegas like survival? 

I was scared it was going to be the Summerset Isles, asshole elves everywhere. 

This is FAKE.

Hmmm not sure how credible the source is. Better wait for something official from Bethesda before we get excited. Same goes for Fallout 4.

I thought this was confirmed as fake days ago.

Interesting. Hoping for the next article. -buy twitter

That site crashed my computer from all its flash bargain BS


If its Bethesda news and not about Fallout 4 I could care less

Yeah, Skyrim's big issue is lack of variety, or with for it's stories and characters, a plain old lack of content.  It's a huge world, but there isn't much in the way of novelty characters or things you can come to care about or laugh at because there isn't much substance.  

Dawnguard DLC and Cicero were, for me, the highlights.