Elden Ring is dope

I’m having a blast with Elden Ring. Any tips or recommended weapons/armor?? For a noob to soul-sy games.


I’ve been playing a lot!

I’m at level 70 samurai now. I have godrick’s rune equipped, crimson health charm, erdtree’s favor, and the radagon charm.

I’m using Radan’s armor except for the silver tear mask that increases arcane. Using the bloodhound greatsword +6.

I also have a Knight’s Greatsword +8 with Scared Order weapon art.

I’ve just arrived at the capital castle.


What class did you choose?

It’s the most frustrating and yet the most satisfying game I’ve played in a very long time.

I prefer a decent ranged weapon to get in as much damage as I can before they get to me. Black Bow with 20 dex min is a solid performer with decent status effects. Google for location. At work and no access to a ER map - sorry.

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Black Bow is in Leyndell, I would NOT advise trying to get into Leyndell to somebody who hasn’t yet defeated Godrick let alone got the Dectus Medallion yet. That’s a LONG LONG LONG way off.


I’ll give it a try when I get there! (eventually)

Alright so you’ve already got the Uchigatana. That is a VERY good weapon as is, so focus on getting smithing stones and upgrading it. The anvil next to Kale the merchant will allow you to upgrade to +3 (or just go to Hewg in roundtable since you probably already beat Margit), and while you’re back there talk to Ranni and get the spirit calling bell so you can use spirit ashes (summons) to pull the boss’s attention away from you.

Level Dexterity, Vigor, and Mind in that order. If you want to put a couple points into Endurance so you can put on some heavier armor that’s fine, but isn’t as helpful as just having more HP and damage. Practice using the Uchigatana’s ash of war: Unsheathe. That ability is very very good. Figuring out the timing and when/how to use it will trivialize some enemies. Also sprinting attacks have a good bit of range with that sword so use those to poke away at enemies and then fall back outside of melee range to get your stamina back.

If you want to go bleed build then a very good weapon for that is the dagger Reduvia, which you probably already got on the way to Patches as it’s dropped by an NPC invader just a few feet beyond his cave. It has a TON of bleed stacking and you can pump it up even higher by putting points into Arcane (which directly influences status buildup for stuff like Poison and Bleed). Most importantly is Reduvia comes with Blood Blade which is a short range projectile attack that can be chained and causes even more bleed buildup, and is great for priming a target from out of melee range for when you sprint in and get into the melee with the Uchigatana.

Your prime target weapon for later on is Rivers of Blood, which is just outstanding for both having the katana moveset and being excellent for bleed buildup.

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Wow! Thanks for all the help. Good info! I do think bleed would be nice to get and eventually get the Rivers of Blood. You said upgrade mind. Any particular reason? Vigor is health, Dex scales the Uchigatana, but Mind?

My only advice


Mind gives you more FP, and FP is what dictates how often you get to use your ashes of war. So if you plan to heavily abuse abilities like Unsheathe, or spam Reduvia’s Blood Blade, or maybe you find later that you want to switch to using Bloody Slash (which is also super powerful, look for that just to have it) you need FP to use those abilities. FP is also used for stuff like ritual pots and incantations if you get to that point and want to try those out. So having a baseline ~130 FP is a good thing because it’ll allow you to focus more on chaining your abilities and less on trying to find a window in battle to chug a Curulean flask. It’ll also mean that you can comfortably allocate more flasks to healing instead since you won’t be burning through your entire FP bar as fast.

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I beat Godrick! My coworker said “congrats on beating the tutorial” xD now I cry


Congrats. Now you are ready for the rest of the butt-kickings in store for you. :+1:

I ordered a new controller last week to play Dark Souls 3 and Elden Ring once again.

Started a new game and right now lvl 45 with Astrologer start and using light/medium (Astrologer+Scale mail mix) armor and two-handed claymore along with various sorceries (magic dmg on weapon and some fireworks).

I still have some muscle memory left from last year and defeated Godrick on 2nd try, which was surprising as I remember him being harder.

Goal is to push str+int and some faith to use some sorceries like Rancor. I doubt I’ll use any heavy armor any time soon…too much need for points and too few runes :wink:

Next stop: That colossal Troll sword with magic damage I was never able to use last year.

Great game, great story, great immersion. I always end up replaying some Souls game every other year or so :slight_smile:

edit: Last year I was playing Paladin-style with shield and focussed on guard counter + faith spells. Was great. Maybe I use a rebirth to recreate that playstyle later, not sure yet.

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I gotta be honest here. I am not impressed with it… Don’t get me wrong. The game looks beautiful, but, 60fps cap, no 3440x1440// Ultra Wide. They say it is cheating cause not everyone has that equipment. So what about the people that can only get 30 FPS cause they got poor equipment. I just wanted to state my opinion.