Just wondering if there’s a difference between EFI booting and UEFI booting. I’m pretty sure EFI is the older one and UEFI is the newer one. I can’t seem to be able to UEFI boot anything. For example, I’ll use the command in the command prompt for the Windows installation to check if I’m EFI booted or UEFI booted and it will only say EFI, not UEFI.

One was made by microsoft. :I

I believe EFI is the standard, and UEFI is an implementation.

Here’s a picture to explain how it works.


The UEFI specification will be based on the EFI specification (Extensible Firmware Interface) published by Intel with corrections and changes managed by the Unified EFI Forum. UEFI is meant as a replacement for the BIOS firmware interface, present in all IBM PC-compatible personal computers. In practice, most UEFI systems have legacy support for BIOS functions. The UEFI specification is managed by the Unified EFI Forum.

Also, heres a relevant thread. https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2267259

UEFI is the new replacement for BIOS, the efi is a name/label of the partition where UEFI boot files are stored. Somewhat comparable to the MBR is with BIOS, but much more flexible and allows multiple boot loaders to co-exist.