I would really enjoy hearing Wendell and Logan discuss this on an episode of The Tek, and if anyone else has any opinions on this subject feel free to throw some words.....
So I have been loosely following the claims being made by both Khronos and Microsoft respectively.
I have at many times through out the years donated cpu/gpu cycles to the Berkley Open Infrastructure Networked Computing (BOINC), and one of the pitfalls of doing this is you absolutely had to keep track of your temperatures, because of the nature of how these BOINC applications could literally hammer your CPU or GPU endlessly at 100% for hours on end....
It is my opinion, that when all of this untapped potential performance gets unlocked, that a large portion of hardware, especially in the case of the Xbox One which has a standardized cooling solution, when this hardware starts getting hammered on to the max, will there not be many situations where people who are accustom to hours on end gaming sessions but are not too affluent with a wealth of knowledge about termperatures either run into a hypothetical situation that either
-thermal protections kick in,forces the cpu / gpu to throttle back, hampering performance , or in a nightmare scenario
-fries hardware due to the performance envelope being pushed so hard, hardware simply dies a horrible smoky death
Did Microsoft have a premonition about the underlying AMD APU being hammered @ near 100% usage and use over-the-top cooling solutions in preparation for squeezing every last drop of performance with thermal control in mind? If you hammer the hardware so hard that thermal protections are enabled that pretty much defeats the purpose of the gains............
Supposedly DX12 has been in the works for longer than the Xbox One has been out in the wild, so I am wondering if they are already aware with great usage comes great thermals,,,yeah that sounded cheesy as hell haha.